I’m writing this synopsis of what we know about ascension and how the Reval fits into it for the specific use and guidance of currency holders.
We need to begin by setting the context. The context in which most of us have been operating for the last few centuries has been called empirical materialism.
Basically it holds that only what is seen, heard, touched, felt, and in other ways physically known is real.
But that leaves out most of the big players in the Reval, such as Archangel Michael, St. Germaine, Kwan Yin, the galactics, etc. It leaves out life after death, dimensionality, the soul, God … everything that makes life worth living.
The cabal reinforcing empirical materialism through the use of ridicule and ostracism is perhaps the most obvious way in which we’ve been dumbed down.
The “guys in the rafters,” as Poof used to call them, occupy “spiritual realms” of varying dimensions – and beyond dimensions in the case of archangels. They’re “the unseens,” as they call themselves.
They work with the Divine Mother to orchestrate the Reval, the Disclosure of our star brothers and sisters, and ascension.
Who is the Divine Mother, pray tell? Christians call the Divine Mother the Holy Spirit; Hindus Shakti, Aum, and Prakriti (Latin: Procreatrix).
The Divine Mother is God in its aspect as Creator, Preserver and Transformer of the world.
The Divine Mother is all sound, movement, light, etc. The Heavenly Father in contrast is stillness and silence. Both are completely love. We can only know and speak to the Divine Mother. The Father is a transcendent Void and does not speak.
This world that the Mother created was designed to go through cycles or ages. We’ve just left the Dark Age or Kali Yuga and entered the Golden Age or Sat Yuga.
The energy hitting the planet right now is causing an elevation in everyone’s frequency. When that elevation reaches a certain point, everyone willing and able will go through a consciousness shift. That’s what we call ascension.
The consciousness shift itself is known to Earth’s terrestrial sages who call it “Sahaja Samadhi.” “Sahaja” means “natural state.” “Samadhi” means a trancelike condition. Sahaja brings liberation from physical birth and death (mukti); so does ascension.
If you wish to see a person in the state we’ll be in, read anything by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Ramana had Sahaja.
To ascend in previous times, as Jesus did for example, was an individual affair and meant leaving the physical body. We are the first generation, anywhere, to ascend en masse and retain the physical body.
We re-attain our natural state after years living “separated” from it in this Third-Dimensional world where we’ve centered our consciousness until now.
Ascension is both gradual and sudden. The human body could not endure adjustment to the amount of energy required to cause ascension if we received that energy all at once. So we’ve been bathed in tsunamis of love for the past several years, to gradually bring us to the point where our bodies can survive the “shock” of ascension.
There are also times when we make a sudden jump together, times of what Archangel Michael has called “ignition.” Ostensibly we arrive at the end of our journey in the Fifth Dimension but in actuality the journey is virtually endless.
Where does the Reval fit into this majestic plan?
The Reval is a transitional device. It’s intended to “hydrate” society during the period between “now” and the arrival of NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). This paper would be too long if I discussed NESARA as well. Perhaps read about it here: “NESARA or the Abundance Program” at
Suffice it to say that NESARA is a comprehensive program that sees to the needs of all citizens, mandates clean government, and eliminates all agencies, laws, and structures that kept the people on a prison planet.
In the period between now and NESARA, what we call “lightworkers,” which are those folks who chose to incarnate at this time to help with ascension, have been given the privilege of receiving remarkable amounts of money and using it for the benefit and wellbeing of humanity.
We could have gone directly to NESARA, but isn’t it a wonderful learning experience for lightworkers, who often have had little in their lifetimes, to suddenly be given the opportunity to take the lead in showing generosity and rebuilding the planet?
And does it not give rise to a group of terrestrial leaders who can treat later with our star brothers and sisters when they decide to uncloak their millions of invisible spaceships and make their benevolent presence known?
Lightworkers are taking the lead in building a New Earth, Nova Earth. It’s up to us to hold some of our Reval earnings back for ourselves, hold some in reserve as a contingency and tax-payment fund, and then hydrate society with the rest.
After the Reval, I’ll be calling for a conference of lightworkers who’ve taken part to discuss and commit to largescale programs to end hunger, poverty, homelessness, disease, etc., on the planet.
No, I don’t want or plan to benefit from any of this. I’m already a currency holder and have no need to benefit. Moreover, I’m a monk by proclivity and have no purchases I want to make. I’m in this for the benefit of humanity.
Now back to ascension. Surely you‘ve felt yourself feeling happier and happier as the vibrations rise in frequency. Or you’ve found yourself suddenly gripped by strong issues, as the energies release all that cannot go with us. All these and more are ascension symptoms.
At some point we’ll go through steps in which our vibrations collectively will rise. When we enter the higher dimension we’re headed for (the Fifth), we’ll experience continual bliss, transformative love, a radical increase in knowledge, the end of disease, etc.
I’ve experienced longish periods of transformative love and bliss in the past year and a half and I can tell you nothing compares to them and, while in them, one wants nothing else and nothing more.
So I’ve had a glimpse of those levels of higher consciousness. Once one has tasted them, one works for nothing else thereafter.
To ascend, one must have (A) chosen to ascend and (B) assimilated enough light to induce the change in body from carbon-based to crystalline-based, allowing one to endure the higher-frequency environment.
That sounds like a lot but anyone who is simply a decent person will have assimilated that level of light and the choice to ascend is made more often at soul level than at the level of everyday consciousness. By the Law of Freewill, no one will be forced to ascend: hence the need to choose.
Even if you’re hearing about ascension for the first time, chances are, if you’re reading this, you chose to ascend before entering the body this lifetime.
Relaxing on the matter serves two purposes. It helps you get through the wait. And it raises your vibrations and helps the ascension process.
A great deal more about ascension can be read here: “The Plan and Process of Ascension” at
We have nothing but wonderful events awaiting us, as soon as we get through this time of chaos brought on by the rising vibrations. It’s the “storm before the calm,” as Matthew Ward tells us. (1)
(1) “Sweeping clean national governments and tyrannical regimes is not easy or quick, and the turmoil you are seeing—if we may twist your phrase—is the storm before the calm.” (Matthew’s Message, Aug. 15, 2015, at
All these events and more are covered in the First Contact database: