Ed has found a billet. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Ed Love in Australia oversees the Golden Age of Gaia’s Facebook presence, along with Paul. I know zip about Facebook and rely on them completely.
Ed is coming to Seattle Wednesday, July 13, for a week, to do a course in PTSD healing (service delivery).
Like so many of us, he does his lightwork on next to nothing. Consequently we’d like to help him find a billet for the week.
Here’s Ed’s request:
“I’m being flown out a week today to Seattle for a training course in PTSD healing work. … I’m on a shoestring as usual and don’t have money for a hotel. I’d be happy to trade help with computers, websites, smartphones, video, life coaching, fitness training, or even juggling lessons!
“I arrive Wednesday evening your time (July 13), and leave Tuesday morning your time. … I’m still waiting for confirmation of flights, but thought it wise to figure out accommodation asap.”
If anyone can put Ed up for a week, we’d greatly appreciate it. We know you’ll enjoy meeting him.
Ed’s course will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel, Seattle Airport, 18740 International Blvd, so a billet near the airport would probably be best.
Please write “Contact Us” if you’re able to. And thank you for your loving consideration.