(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I’d like to suggest one conflict-resolution technique – and there are many others.
I suggest that we ask the person involved if they’d be willing to receive feedback from us.
If they agree, then the feedback would be phrased in either Perro (just the facts, ma’am; neutral) or Sedor (the language of transformative love), depending on what the speaker can manage.
If they don’t agree to feedback, at least we’ve identified that we have an issue. We got as far as we did in opening up communication instead of gunnysacking and manipulating. We’ve escaped, if even that much, from our old Third-Dimensional paradigms and habits.
To deliver feedback allows us to get a matter on the table and speeds the resolution of outstanding issues. It’s one technique among many, I imagine, awaiting an energetic lightworker gathering them all together and publishing them so that we can have a conflict-resolution manual after the Reval.
Job Opening: Author, Manual of Conflict Resolution.
In my view, you and I need to agree that, as lightworkers, we accept the need for others on occasion to give us feedback as the first step in the conflict-resolution process. We need to accept that giving feedback isn’t a bad thing. It facilitates peace, harmony, and balance. If we don’t, we close the door on a tool that will be much-needed in our toolbox later on.
I suppose I can only speak for myself. I’m aware that one of the provisions of my soul contract is to contribute towards keeping the balance, keeping calmness, etc. (I’m a Libran.) I know this from my readings with AAM.
Pillars like myself have agreed to stay till the end. While the ride is still going, we adjust our place on any teeter totter we’re on so that it stays level. We help to keep the ship from swaying and lurching. Later on, we help the last ones through the portal and turn out the lights. Very romantic.
In our line of work, we learn a lot about the balance point. It’s in the center, in the heart.
The extremities of passion are fun but can be treacherous waters. The extreme needs to get ever more extreme to maintain our interest, until one has an accident or something else induces them to call it quits.
One tires of even passion after a while. One tires of most “earthly delights.” The world was designed, I’m told, such that nothing but God permanently satisfies.
If we have even a slight remembrance when the tsunami hits that, when conflict arises, it can be handled, that can prove our lifeline. We may then begin to read and consider how post-Reval conflict can be handled.
Otherwise, we’ll leave a trail of wrecked relationships, where wreckage was avoidable.
Conflict is manageable, most by communication; some by silence and a time-out. A lack of real, genuine listening can be found to be at the root of a great deal of Third-Dimensional conflict. A great deal of our conflict therefore can be handled by us simply listening – for as long as is needed.
Those who’ve mastered conflict-resolution skills, I think, will be in high demand once lightworkers are given the means to break free of the chains of want and anxiety.