I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael on Canada Day, July 1, 2016.
I was feeling depressed from all the wait around the Reval, the fact that I had been invited to ascend and had not (more waiting), the paucity of people with whom I could seriously discuss events, etc.
I post this exchange because I think other people may be in the same position and might want to hear AAM’s response.
At the end is the mention of a small, miraculous event that continues to happen every day. Each time I approach a busy intersection at the end of my street (13th), which has no crossing light, the light at the end of the next block down (12th) turns red and stops the cars. Every time.
I thought the archangels were doing it, but AAM says it’s the galactics. How uplifting is that? Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
AAM: You look a little cloudy or perhaps a little dim. It is not an aspersion about your mental or physical capacity because the physical improves.
But there have been invasions, both chemical and actual, into, not only your physical body, but all of your bodies. Are you still recuperating? Yes.
Steve: What do you mean by intrusions. Lord? Do you mean the operation, the anaesthetic?
AAM: That is exactly what I mean. I do not mean that in any way, shape, or form that you have been infiltrated.
Steve: Yes, thank you very much for clarifying that!
AAM: That would not be permitted. (1) Regardless of the lack of news, as you put it, there is still the platform [to run] that we, you and I [, produce].
Do not underestimate the importance of what you call or term philosophical discussion. It is quite sad that so many human beings have turned away, forgotten, are bored with or do not engage in the expanded mental, emotional, and spiritual realm of discussion and thought and consideration of the meaning of their life, of the meaning of how they behave, how they proceed, what the undertakings are at hand, what they have been, what they will be…
Yes, we understand the human cultural, social thirst for news and we are not dismissing that.
But also we ask you, do not dismiss the importance of the consideration that needs to, and in many ways must, take place in order for humanity to proceed. If there is proceeding without the shift in consciousness, then there is a great deal of fear – and also catch up – to take place.
Now you say, “What comes first, the chicken or the egg?” And it is true that, if there were enough situations, what you call news, to report that turned the entire planet on its ear, much of the reaction, as you have already seen repeatedly, is denial or simply shoving aside what is very obvious and apparent because the mental and emotional bodies have not been adequately honed or prepared in order to make the shift.
Now humanity is being penetrated. Much of even what you are feeling is residual debris coming to the surface and it feels amorphous. It feels like a deep sense of dissatisfaction.
Steve: … Depression.
AAM: Yes, depression.
Steve: Okay: dissatisfaction, disappointment. All the disses.
AAM: … All the disses… But it does not dismiss the validity of what you and many are going through. I do not wish not only to deny or dismiss your feelings, but [I] also [wish] to encourage you to feel them. But you say to me, “But, Lord. I am going into a deep, dark, black hole.”
Steve: [Exaggerating playfully.] Yes, from which I’ll never return!
AAM: But you know that is not true.
Steve: Yes, it’s the emotional truth. It’s how I feel.
AAM: Yes, there are many truths, are there not? You are not sinking as far as you think or you feel.
Steve: Well, that’s good to know because I thought something not organic but psychological was happening but, if it’s not, that’s great. It’s just the energies….
AAM: Well, it is the energies but it is also your piece of the energies as well and you know that. (2)
That you have experienced a depression and that you have experienced this sense of what is the point and there are many points that are worth living for but at the moment they are not exactly clear to you because you are fed up.
Steve: Yes, fed up with waiting. Nothing seems to have happened [on the Reval, personal Ascension, etc.] and here I am dangling again. …
AAM: You are not dangling. You are in the process of your Ascension and what is coming to the forefront is the tiny remnants – and, yes, we know to you it feels massive – but it is the tiny remnants of what remains in terms of your attachment to the old human experience. That is why it feels so intense.
That is why I keep saying to you and asking you, come back to the bliss.
Steve: Oh, I’d love to! I’ve been looking for it under my pillow, here, there, and everywhere and I haven’t been able to reach it again.
AAM: You are allowing, and I do not say this in a way of criticism, you are allowing yourself to be distracted.
Steve: Really?
AAM: Yes. So what we are encouraging you to do is to let go.
Let go of the feeling that there is pressure to complete. Let go of your angst about events. Let go of feeling that you have put yourself – because you have not – we have put you somewhat in the limelight, (3) let go of the feeling of “I’m alone on this planet and there is absolutely no one to talk to.”
Feel that you are absolutely surrendering on one of my blue white clouds, sink back and let them all dissipate as if it is rain falling out of that cloud as the cloud simply floats up, sideways, wherever you want and we will take you back into the bliss.
Your job is to surrender, let go. Our job is to lift you up.
Steve: Thank you for that reassurance. Okay, so good.
What can you tell me about the red lights at my corner, Lord?
AAM: They are visitations from your star friends.
Steve: Wow, every time I go there, there’s been a red light! Will you tell them, or I’ll tell them, that that was really class. That was really impressive. I like that very much!
AAM: You have had a tiny, tiny, tiny taste of what they are capable of!
(1) This is not an insignificant comment. It validates that we each have our role to play and, if it isn’t part of our role or agreement to experience an implant, then we won’t. Not all lightworkers have it in their soul agreement to go through all trials and sufferings.
(2) That is, my core issues or vasanas.
(3) That has been what I thought was happening. I did write about it but discarded the articles. I’m just going to let happen whatever it is that seems to already be planned and – apparently – set in motion. My resistance to just surrendering is decreasing every week.