I don’t know if you realize that all of us reading this have been going at this for years – in my case since 2008 – and all without one event having occurred of all that has been spoken of – the Reval, disclosure, Ascension, cities of light, NESARA, etc.
All the time, there has been one disappointment after another in terms of failed dates, like bombs raining down.
Of all the predictions ever made? A hundred percent of them have been wrong. Not one has come true. Perfect batting average, all of us.
And yet we’re still around. Why? I call it a huge and collective act of faith.
What is it that keeps us going? I can only speak for myself.
For me, the first thing is the vision. Everything I’ve wanted from life is contained in the vision that the Company of Heaven has enunciated for us so far. They call it “Nova Earth,” “the Fifth Dimension.” I call it, after Werner Erhard, “a world that works for everyone.”
The magnetism of their vision is what first attracted me and then has held me.
I know there’s much more to go and I’m definitely along for the ride.
The second thing that has held me is the experience of working with them. May I speak from having worked with a celestial – an archangel, to be exact? What a privilege it’s been.
I don’t allow men into my heart very easily. One sign that they’re like my father and they become Adolf Hitler with me.
I’d walk into a workshop and test the leader right off the bat. Let me find out if I’m gonna learn from this course or not, right now. I was insufferable on occasion.
If they fit a template patterned on my brother, they got into my heart quicker.
Archangel Michael won my heart by being ever supportive, ever gentle, and ever loving. It took years for me to lower my defenses. And why not? Every date came and went. Nothing ever happened. What’s to accept?
And yet I just felt myself growing closer and closer to Archangel Michael. Letting go of one issue after another, I don’t have any more issues with him. He patiently weaned me from them. This is a new experience for me, to be with a man, without a single issue going on – not even one in reserve, a back door, so to speak. (1)
At every turn he’s been wise, neutral, and supportive. He reparented me after a bumpy ride in early life. I see in my brother, Paul, preparation for my relationship with Michael.
I’ve never heard him judge anyone. But I also have never heard anything but truth from him. What a role model he’s been in walking that line.
I chuckle to myself every time I post a graphic representation of him – usually blond. He appeared to me twice, (2) but never as a blond, always as a brunette, somewhat like a pony-tailed, clean-shaven Keanu Reeves.
He actually was the spitting image of a man I knew decades ago – Mark Orich. Maybe that’s why he appeared that way to me. But I find it humorous to be posting blonds.
If I were to stop here, and actually retire for the umpteenth time, my reward would be the memories of my past association with him, he’s so loving.
On one occasion, feeling myself opening my heart to him, I joked by singing “Once I had a secret love….” We bantered back and forth on that one. I would miss our bantering if….
So what keeps me here – I can only speak for myself – is a combination of the right vision and the right treatment.
I’m captivated by my treatment at the hands of Archangel Michael. And everything he says makes such utter sense.
(1) Obviously I had that kind of relationship with my brother Paul.
(2) Once standing outside my apartment and once in a lucid dream in which I was onboard a ship.