We shouldn’t underestimate nature, because it could take this planet back easily if humans weren’t here to maintain the civilization we’ve built on top of it. Not only do I think we should respect it; I think we should revere it.
Nature is sacred, and it’s alarming that humans are so unwilling to give it even a shred of respect given all that it’s done for us. It’s not here for us to plunder in any way we please. It’s here to help us prosper, but it’s been misunderstood, misused and abused.
No More Fracking
Fracking, along with other forms of oil extraction, is a good example. We were already successfully stealing one of the earth’s most precious resources long before we started fracking, but now, we can do it in a way that’s even worse for the environment.
You didn’t think our current oil extraction methods were harmful enough? You’re in luck. Meet fracking: the method of using hundreds of gallons of highly pressurized water with a cocktail of chemicals added to break up stubborn underground rocks that shield caverns of precious oil.
“He remembers what the spiritual visionary, Wallace Black Elk, a Lakota said – man’s scratching of the earth causes diseases like cancer. He meant the mining and drilling for coal, gas, oil, uranium. The scratching brings up the things deep in the earth that should have stayed down there.” ― J.J. Brown, Brindle 24
Never mind that these chemicals are harmful to the environment or that the chemical-laced water has shown up in public drinking supplies of cities and towns near fracking sites, which is why you’ve seen videos of people lighting their tap water on fire.
Oil tycoons have a new way to extract oil they wouldn’t have been able to sell otherwise, and to them, this is all that matters.
We’ve Lost Touch
Fracking and other environmentally harmful human creations prove that we’ve lost touch with nature. Somewhere along the way, we forgot we’re connected with the grass, trees, plants and flowers on a soul level.
Maybe it was around the time the white man subjected the Native Americans who were aware of this connection to genocide.
The result is that most people see nature as a lifeless entity that can be used in any way we see fit; we will realize one day we couldn’t have been more wrong.
Humans have gone as far as manipulating the weather and cloud seeding to control precipitation, and it doesn’t take long on a genuine alternative news site to find information on chemtrails.
Playing God
Whether it’s with weather modification, fracking, the genetic engineering of crops to produce heavy amounts of pesticides or anything else, people are trying to play God with potentially devastating consequences.
If we aren’t careful, we could be the cause of our own destruction.
I’m not saying something terrible will happen just because we’re unaware of what we’re doing, but I do think we should be more conscious and respectful in our interaction with nature.
I’m sure if the people destroying the world truly knew what they were doing, they’d stop at once and ask for forgiveness.
In a perfect world, this would happen tomorrow. Unfortunately, we have yet to create the kind of world we know is possible but with determination and effort, it will happen.
It starts with making people aware that they’ve been misled into disrespecting nature, and hopefully, one day they can become aware of its sentience.
Plants Have Feelings
There’s a lot of great information in David Wilcock’s groundbreaking Source Field Investigations that details the consciousness of plants from a scientific perspective.
It’s been scientifically proven that plants can sense our thoughts and intentions toward them. If you run at a plant angrily with the intention of hurting or killing it, it will emit a strong, measureable reaction. It will be calm and emit a peaceful frequency if you send it thoughts of love.
I think the rabbit hole goes even deeper than this, and further research in the fields of science and spirituality will help us become more aware as time goes on.
Hopefully, humans will soon realize that to plunder nature is to spit in the face of our provider and bite the hand that feeds right off of its arm.
Scientific research is great, especially when it comes to spirituality and the connection we share with every living thing, but we also need compassionate awareness.
This will help us to see where we went wrong so we can make a change, and it can’t happen soon enough. The sooner it does, the sooner we can right our wrongs and restore harmony with the beautiful green world around us.
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, June 16, 2016 – https://tinyurl.com/h8nro4s