Greetings, this is Sharman and Shelia speaking as one Being,
Because you, our brave Ascending Ones, are NOW regaining your innate “Sense of your Multidimensional SELF,” we both wanted to share with all of you the process of returning back into your complete SELF, Divine Complements merged into ONE Being.
We will speak as one Being to share with our Earth Away Team our version of how reunion can be challenging after separation. The process of “re-merging” with your Divine Complement after one of you has been away on assignment to the third dimension can be challenging.
Hence, as more and more of you prepare for your return to your fifth dimensional SELF as well as your Divine Complement, we wanted to address that issue. We have discovered that there can be many complicating issues such as the earthbound One falling in love with a human.
This can be confusing to the “Complement” who is earthbound, as you will increasingly think third dimensionally. Hence, you often forget that within the NOW of the safety of our Ship, your Complement has no sense of “possession” within their deep love for you.
In fact, we Pleiadians often take more than one mate. However, a “mate” may not be able to understand how desperately lonely one can get on a third dimensional planet on the edge of transition. Living in a reality on the edge of “frequency reset” can be a great challenge.
On Earth you have the saying of, “The darkest night is just before dawn.” This saying is very correct because the “light of the Moon” has left and the “light of the Sun” has not yet arrived. In other words, you, the transmuting population of Earth, are feeling VERY complete with the experience of being in a reality on the cusp of great change.
Change is based on the ability of the members of your current reality to be fully aware of the TRUTH, which is within each person, place, situation, and energy field. However, “the NOW before the change” is filled with great challenge because the dark has not yet left and the Light is still a glimmer of hope. Hence, there is no “solid ground” on which you can stand.
The many third dimensional illusions are being revealed to those who are ready to shift into the higher frequencies, while many others are holding on to these illusions tighter than ever. Change can be very frightening to those who are not yet grounded within Gaia and connected with their higher expressions of SELF.
Also, the ability to even perceive your ongoing frequency reset is based on your ability to love all life Unconditionally, and to allow the Violet Light of transmutation to enter into your consciousness, body, environment, and overall life. Sharman’s last visit to Earth made that requirement clear to both of us.
However, since the darkest night is just before dawn, ALL the “darkness” must be examined, healed, and released before the “Light” can be accepted. Thus, before humans can consciously experience personal and planetary Ascension, all personal darkness, fear, procrastination, judgment, polarity — the list goes on and on — MUST BE RELEASED.
Furthermore, you must release and transmute fear from your SELF and your life. By the NOW in which you are ready to ascend, or be rescued — as Sharman was — you have had to look darkness straight on, without fear, and be able to say “I love you unconditionally.”
Sometimes, as in the case of Sharman, the Grounded One becomes so lost to their SELF that the “Light” cannot be perceived or accepted. In this case, their Galactic Family may come to their “rescue.” This rescue usually occurs because that brave Volunteer is on the edge of physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual collapse.
This rescue would be much like a warrior who was so deeply wounded in battle that he/she could only gain assistance by someone taking his or her body up to the Ship to be healed. We have discovered that a long Away mission to Earth can greatly injure one’s body, as well as their state of consciousness.
In Sharman’s case, he had lost his ability to perceive himself as a being who was holding a fifth dimensional portal open.
More and more of the interdimensional portals into the fifth dimension will NOW be opening. However, many of our dedicated Ascending Ones are realizing that they do not want to go through that Ascension portal until they believe that they have completed their mission.
Within your NOW there are increasingly more and more who are saying,
“WE are the Ascending ONES.”
“Exactly who is this “we” that is ascending?” we hear you say. “Our answer from our Higher Knowing,” which is unique in each ONE, is YOU! You have had many returns to the uncountable versions of the fourth dimension.
Thus, you are NOW feeling complete with time/space realities and are ready to make the octave leap into the HERE/NOW realities. Nonetheless, many of you have offered to take an incarnation on this NOW of Ascending Earth.
Fortunately, many of you are able to travel interdimensionally via your Multidimensional consciousness to visit fifth dimensional Earth. You were able to resonate to that perception because you expanded your consciousness into Gamma Waves.
It is very difficult to maintain a Gamma Wave Consciousness while on a third dimensional planet. It is for this reason that Spiritual Societies are often in the high mountains, away from civilization and within the Heart of the Mother’s NATURE.
Whenever you, the Ascending Ones, put aside any personal desires and follow your Inner Guidance, you will be able to enjoy the visit. You have, however, to KNOW that what we are doing for Gaia is A DRESS REHERSAL.
What you will discover is that you will need to complete ALL of your third/fourth dimensional effluvia. Fortunately, that is not as difficult as one may think. All of you on your threshold reality know yourselves very well. You know your strengths, and you know your weaknesses.
You also know that you have fulfilled your “pre-birth contracts”. YOU will be the “first Ones through.” You will be “the first Ones through” NOT because of any rank or being better — you are the Ones who have experienced many “Ascensions” into the fourth dimension.
Therefore, Piercing the Veil occurred between the third and mid-fourth dimensional planes. Within this NOW, “piercing the veil” is not the appropriate title. What is occurring now is that you are being called on to “Open The Portals” that connect the third/fourth dimension with the fifth dimension.
The truth is that you are becoming Masters of the third/fourth dimension. In other words, you almost graduated. We say “almost” because you have volunteered to merge your personal consciousness:
- With your Gaia’s Planetary Consciousness:
- With your Solar Consciousness
- With your Galactic Consciousness
- With your Universal Consciousness
This transition on a small planet called Earth has captured the attention of the Highest Beings of the ONE. WE, your Galactic Family, Solar Family, Universal Family wish to say, WELCOME HOME!
In closing, We, Shelia and I, have had some wonderful communications with our volunteers and friends on Earth. Therefore, we would like to share some of the “fifth dimensional Lightbody” experiences that these people are having while they are:
Preparing for Fifth Dimensional Lightbody
{From OA} Kundalini experience is fantastic, but nothing prepared me for the kind of experience I am about to share, that I still cannot explain. As I was napping, 2 or 3 weeks ago, it seems that my consciousness tapped within my body cells.
I became the size of a cell, situated in my body near the root chakra, as I looked up (from the cell point of view) I got to perceive the most beautiful sight ever, I saw my Kundalini stream!
I got to witness the energy movement, rising up, and the two serpents (or tube of Light) both had different bright very vivid colors, it was absolutely beautiful. I still cannot explain, yet, to this day what had happened but it sure was a priceless experience that I am not about to forget.
{From LJ} I get this internal hum and vibrations at the back of my neck, sounds like Bashar’s C Sharp YouTube resonance of the Earth. Is this a connection to the Kundalini?
{From PK} My experience was brief but wholly transcendent… nothing like what we experience here in 3 & 4 D realms of time and temporal manifestations. The highlight of that experience was in the transcending of time and perception entirely, to taste a realm of unadulterated pure experience… a truly immaculate concept of reality in an undifferentiated state of being. This happened about 40 years ago, and all else pales in comparison.
{From DC} I found myself at a business event that culminated in a shamanic journey with around 150 people two days running. The first day I felt like a grain of sand in one of those cymatic experiments and I thought my arms were wings and I was turning into a bird!
The next day I felt roots coming out of the ground (hotel function room) and pulling me down. There was an intense vibration coming from my hip area that went down to my knees and all through my body. I particularly felt it the top of my head, the sides of my nose, earlobes, mammaries and hands.
It was like the energy wanted to get out but couldn’t. My hands contorted into this strange mudra. I knew I had been bound and even though I couldn’t use my fingers I managed to free myself from these binds. By putting my hands together I felt the energy circulating better and eventually my hands found my heart. I had come home.
The only other experience that came close to this feeling of pure joy and euphoria was the birth of my first child. After the event my eyes could really see the beauty in everything. There were also some very weird hallucinogenic type experiences and two more experiences of the contorted hands. It showed me that immersing my hands in my bath water dispersed the trapped energy while at the same time allowing me to keep it.
{From H L} I Experience Kundalini Sort of Like Fluorescent Tube In Spine – Am Cautious Not To Download Too Much Love/Light At Once Or My Spleen Hurts ! Lightbody Is In Flashes of Awareness; I Forget To Remember — But Awesome !!!
{From AA} impossible in 3D words ..i hope i have chances to have enough time on line to share about …lightbody and kundalini are absolutely connected
they connect me with my powers my real identity
imagine you have all the powers you had ever dreamed of
all the effective unending Bliss you ever had desired,
see a door-vortex to Oneness..
ego collapses /merges with the Infinite Ocean
the FLOW is active again and you are aware and conscious …
ok i do look forward to sharing more on line ..just ask me
PS kundalini is more powerful than atomic or hyperbombs…..
{From AR} Yes, I definitely want to share my experience now that more us are open to evolve to a higher vibration. This beautiful realization or awareness happened almost 17 years ago on Thanksgiving Day. A day I will never forget. I have always had a special interest in metaphysics, quantum physics, angeology, energy and alternative healing. I love meditating and listening to music with nature backgrounds.
That Thanksgiving Day I stayed in a friend’s house. Before going to sleep I recalled asking my friend if he had music to relax. He told me to go downstairs and turn his system on to whatever I liked. It was dark while walking down the stairs to the living room. When I turned the system on it wasn’t working, I turned around and suddenly felt cold around me and the system started working on its own. A bit confused I called my friend who I saw walking down the stairs.
There was this beautiful music out of this world that sounded like a choir. I couldn’t identify the language but felt each word sang touched my heart. That is when I saw a fog like energy taking over the living room. My knees got weak and felt my body heavier than usual. I remember closing my eyes and was taken through a gold colored worm hole. An indescribable voice talked to me with so much love and showed my life on different stages. All that I had lived and all that I had learned in this lifetime and other.
This voice was of a loving female energy and was telling me how proud she was of me. She told me I was full of grace. I remember feeling so much love that I cried. I remember telling this energy that if I had to live all these lives again I would do it all over again without changing anything. Then I saw many of us holding hands above our planet Earth and sending this brilliant gold-white light. Then that is when I felt every cell of my body becoming one with this beautiful light. When I opened my eyes my friend was holding me.
I asked him if he saw something but he didn’t. I told him what I had experienced and after a few days he decided not to continue our friendship. For over a week I felt this loving energy surrounding me. Also, I felt the scent of roses every time I went to sleep. This experience definitely changed the way I live my life today.
{From CB} In 1987 on the harmonic convergence I felt completely electrocuted and began a 3-year immersion into being ONE with all that is. Most of the time nothing was solid, it was all patterns of energy. Gradual apparently is not my style but I’d been meditating since 1969. I was told then that with 7 planets in fire I was doing kundalini my way, it was like being on LSD for 3 years and took many more to integrate it all.
{From SD} Vibrant, intelligent, flowing, and ecstatic ~ the energy flows, engulfs, and dances through my awareness. The light within awakens my infinite wisdom, multidimensional power, and unconditional love to enable our innate connection to ALL consciousness. The new human prototype is here!
We thank you all for sharing your process. It is through this type of sharing that YOU can
Make Ascension NORMAL
We want to thank all of you for courage to openly share your experiences of Ascension. All life on Gaia has the opportunity for the Ascension, octave jump, from the third/fourth dimensional reality time/space separation and polarity into Here/NOW unity and Oneness of the fifth dimension.
Most important of all, YOU enter into the octave jump from “Personal Consciousness” into “Planetary Consciousness.” We shall return to speak about this ongoing shift of your Perception of SELF.
Sharman and Shelia
A Novel by the Pleiadians. Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 7 – The Portals are Opening. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. June 10, 2016.