Serapis Bey was our guest on An Hour with an Angel, pre-recorded earlier in the week.
In one of his past lives, Serapis Bey is reputed to have been the Spartan King Leonidas, who stopped the Persians at the Pass of Thermopylae, where he died. Leonidas has come to symbolize personal responsibility and self-discipline.
We know him best as one of three ascended masters – the other two being El Moryah and St. Germaine – who, many centuries ago, began what later became known as the St. Germaine World Trust.
What I didn’t know about him is that he presides at the Temple of Luxor, which is an Ascension portal and he presides over the Fourth Ray, the Ascension Ray.
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Traditionally, Ascension has been an arduous path, he said. It required a true devotion and a singularity of purpose (read: iron will) to go through the Ascension process.
But there is a new energy now penetrating our planet. It’s not individual, as in past ages. It’s shared by all, in part due to our collective decision to ascend together.
The Mother has asked all of us, he said, to unify and penetrate the entire planet with our particular expression of our love.
You can no more resist these current energies, he explained, than you could a Tsunami of One.
He told us that any notion that we’re unique in the ego sense will not assist us in our Ascension. The sense that we’re special because we, all of us, are a part of the Mother/Father One – that will help.
He said that service to the Mother was the criterion of stewardship. Unless the willingness to serve is present, the blessings will not flow. Service to self will not cut it any longer.
There is an awakening of divine will. There is every kind of heart consciousness on the planet, all flung wide open.
The talk which AHWAA pre-recorded with him was in some ways unique for me. Serapis Bey is nothing if not divinely masculine.
He discussed a better way of the divine male and divine female relating than that we’ve used until now. But let me leave that to him to explain.