Perspective and Guidance for the Now
May 16, 2016
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
There is a portion of the Ascending collective who are about to have a very different experience related to the expansion of consciousness. You might feel it unfolding, you know it in your hearts; something new and different is taking place. As this year of revelation continues to expose, disclose and peel back layers of illusion, both personal and global revelations come to light. Many body vehicles are going through extraordinary changes, and the intensification of this transition may feel uncomfortable and often disorienting. As you have learned, what you are accomplishing in the physical has not been experienced in this particular way. As we (your Higher levels and Divine Teams) observe and monitor your ability to maintain stability in the physical and comprehend several dimensional experiences at once, it is important to perceive these energies as evolutionary and keep your focus on the cosmic outcome rather than fear about the transition itself.
The experience of Ascension in the physical is an extraordinary task. You are attempting – and accomplishing – the experience of a collective Ascension which will come in waves. The experience of Resurrection (permanently merging with the Higher Consciousness) is unfolding in the now moment for much of the Light Tribe. This is why so many of you feel like you’re leaving right now. Your consciousness is expanding beyond the limitations of your old reality, and this new territory which you find yourself in, this new space of heart coherence, will make you feel more like your True Self than you ever have been. As you abandon the old self, you leave the old state of consciousness which no longer makes sense.
This is an extraordinary passage, Beloveds. You are beginning to comprehend multiple realities in the same way the higher realms interpret and perceive time, space, consciousness and divine love. The closer our perceptions, the more we may communicate, commune and co-create; working together to greatly accelerate the shift in consciousness and global ascension. In brief, contact is accelerating and strengthening because you are perceiving realities in a similar way, as well as getting more comfortable with what used to be unfamiliar. The lights, tones, sensations, beings, visions, orbs, and multiple races presenting are now becoming familiar, an everyday experience, and this greatly accelerates your progress when you choose to interact with an open heart and mind. Fear turns to acceptance through heart resonance. Expect your contact experiences to greatly increase – if you are open and comfortable with it, and welcome interaction – over the next month.
There is an entire section of the beloved Light Tribe who are absolutely present and accepting of whatever is needed in order to serve the Ascension, no matter the effects on the body or the inconvenient energy shifts. This state of divine love and unity is greatly amplified as you engage with weekly meditations and daily practices. Your desire for unification grows stronger. Your perception of the great cosmic mission of Ascension is resonating with the higher cosmic perception. This is Mastery, beloveds. When you resonate with timeless presence and surrender your concerns with the old denser, dissolving illusion you will notice a freedom and casualness about what the lower reality is projecting as it breaks apart.
It is not that the lower reality does not matter. It will feel like you are abandoning that realm altogether as your consciousness experiences/reunites with your Higher Selves. Remember you are embodying higher frequencies in order to transform the lower vibrations. It is somewhat exhausting as the body experiences consistent state of tired and wired. The dramatically higher photonic light quotient coming on to the planet can be uncomfortable to the physical, while simultaneously expanding the heart and higher consciousness.
Thanks to your inexhaustible healers, teachers and leaders, you have a myriad of tools, practices and a higher perception on what is unfolding with Ascension. When your perception resonates with love, gratitude and service it transforms your personal reality to vibrate with the higher reality, and you become a bridge between worlds. This is going to be very important over the next four months of your linear time. The higher vibrational HUman collective has opened Solar gateways; very intense light which vibrates with the resonance of the Sun, Galactic center and Great Central Sun. This means that your Solar beingness will begin to step forth, which in turn creates a much stronger influx of light to be delivered. As above, so below.
These more intense waves of light can be disorienting to the general population. Increased photonic activity (demand for order and harmony) sets newly awakened ones onto the path of self-discovery in a stronger way. Lightworkers, this month of redesigning and reorganizing your services after a year of cave time places you in the role of service to a larger awakened collective. Some lightworkers may continue to retreat from the collective out of habit (or fear), however many will step forth fully into a new level of freedom with joy and gratitude to be of service – in your own creative and unique way – without old beliefs about limitation. Trust the new light. Own your Ascending Self.
Beloved Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, those in service to the Light; the rewards for your efforts are unfolding in this now moment. It’s a reap what you have sown passage as the magnetics shift to support the higher reality. Take note of the shifts in your consciousness; the expansion, the freedom, the love, the divinity, the purity, the ability to interact with the higher realms, the expansion of your creativity. Rejoice in your Ascension. This will assist the psychological levels; avoid lower level choices to be tortured by the energy, or play the victim. Evolution is difficult; change can be challenging. It is what it is. Be here, now, with the experience.
The more that you can resonate with the emerging Solar Light within the planet and HUman heart grid, the faster (and easier) you will be able to embody the higher state of consciousness in a permanent way. It is there to assist you. Choose wisely moment to moment. The tones (the high-pitched frequencies hitting the vagus nerve) and intensity of the light vibrations running through your meridians are accelerating at a very rapid rate.
You are now the teachers and leaders who will comfort, guide, activate, heal and create stability in the collective. Those of you resonating with the pure Christed light are experiencing stronger interaction with the higher realms. Take note of how the Christed state auto-corrects situations, thought forms, and energy fields around you – without you doing anything but being present. Let the light do the work; utilize your tools to stay clear, pure in intent, and aligned with Source. We understand many of you feel disconnected from the lower reality; you are merely embodying a new reality while surrounded by an old one. Over the next four months, the new reality will take over your personal lifestream – if you allow it. This is already happening in the Light Tribe; surrender to the flow of the higher path as often as possible.
As always, love is your goal. Love of the process, love of the True Self, and love of Source in this grand experiment of Ascension. When you embrace this perspective it quiets the mind and soothes the heart; gratitude for the opportunity of Ascension will take over.
Upcoming Gateway
Gateway notice: Wesak Moon: Full Moon on Saturday, May 21 at 2:16pm PDT. Opening through Mount Shasta and the crystalline grid. All on board for some high-level support after a rough few weeks of intense energies. This light increase flows through June 6 (Ever-increasing; this is a powerful passage! Why would you want it to decrease? That’s not going to happen.) Just be present with it, and assist in anchoring the Solar aspect through the HUman heart grid and Gaia’s grids.
This is a divine opportunity for interaction with our Higher Teams and Higher Selves. Notice the increase in beings, orbs, light phenomena and tones lately? Take advantage. Join the Light Tribe on Wednesdays for the Global Unity meditations. They provide beautiful support for the Now Ascension, and we’re learning how to get out of the way of our Higher Consciousness and let it work miracles.
In Love, Light and Service,
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