Thank you, thank you, thank you for your loving prayers and healing thoughts. Below I’ll describe an amazing healing that happened in a single night thanks, I think, to the healing power of everyone’s prayers. So thank you, everyone.
My own healing should have taken 12 weeks and has only taken a little over two weeks so far. And I feel around 80% physically healed. Spiritually? Still needing R&R.
Recovering from prostate surgery, catheter, etc. has been a wonderfully rich and moving experience for me.
What have I learned?
How to work with pain, listlessness, weakness, incontinence, and constipation for starters. How to allow others to serve me. The importance of not trying to control the outcome.
I watched society’s treatment of the injured. Bare, bare pass. We definitely have our walls up.
I watched how my resistance was causing my pain. When I let go in every sense, the pain went easily through me.
I had a reading with Archangel Michael on May 6 and he reassured me that it was necessary to do this. And what else he had to say about cancer was equally interesting. Let me give you that here.
Archangel Michael: This surgery was necessary and I would not have recommended it if it was not a timely matter.
Steve: Why was it necessary, Lord? Was the cancer about to spread?
AAM: It was not being controlled adequately, even though there was a reduction, if you can think of it that way, in the cancer cells.
In the human realm and that which you are currently occupying (4D), it is a dangerous undertaking for any being to have cancer within the physical form for any prolonged period of time.
Yes, it is so that cancer comes and goes and is often present without anyone’s knowledge or understanding. But also with the understanding almost comes the ignition factor for the viral infection, for the spread and so, yes, it was time for this to be taken care of.
The key is recovery, recuperation, reconstitution and gentleness with your beloved self. (1)
I agree on the last part. I’ll need to go gentle on myself for a number of reasons. But before going into that – an incredible event happened.
Saturday night, May 9, 2016 I went to bed. This is more or less two weeks after the operation.
Every evening before, I’d awaken every hour and need a sleeping pill to get back to sleep. This night, I slept through to 5:00 am with just one time up.
And when I got up I felt … hmmmm … better in all respects. I got into the bath and noticed one by one that different faculties were struggling to come online.
A sense of strength was arising. A sense of natural wisdom. And a sense of bliss aplenty.
I stopped writing things down because I felt no need to remember anything any more.
I stood up straight and my bearing was regal. If I felt 80% better, the remaining 20% was 19% pain and 1% other things.
So thank you Vancouver and Bellingham Meet-ups, thank you Linda Dillon’s healing circle, thank you Kees de Graaff’s readership, and all you others for your prayers because I haven’t seen as fast a healing before.
BUT I also did too much on that day – getting my bus pass renewed, picking up groceries, having a Pho! (2) – I was seriously depleted by the time I came home. So I still need to take it easy.
One thing I dearly want to communicate is about Ascension. This is an Ascension ethnography. Everything about this line of writing focuses on Ascension.
A lot of insights came. But I only want to share one, if you’ll allow me.
Ascension, it seems to me, is an inherently-personal affair. The caterpillar when it enters the chrysalis takes nothing physical with it except its own body. And it emerges a butterfly.
By the same token, as we travel the Ascension path, we’re also in a chrysalis. And all we’ve taken with us physically is our bodies. And we’ll emerge, some say in our light bodies. (I don’t know.)
We haven’t taken the outside world in with us, except in our minds. So yes, we have taken it in; no, we haven’t. We could argue endlessly about the matter, but the fact remains that all we take with us physically into the Ascension chrysalis is our body (and all our other spiritual bodies).
Therefore when we emerge it would seem logical … that word! … to expect that the significant changes might not be in the outside world. It seems logical to expect that the changes would chiefly be in us – in our vibratory level, state of consciousness, etc.
We lightworkers agreed to inhabit human bodies in a physical world. Our bodies, for the first time, are changing in the Ascension process rather than being discarded, as has hitherto been the case in individual Ascensions, such as that of Jesus.
We didn’t agree to “leave”; that is, ascend to a higher dimension and be gone (although some have contracts to do so. Everything is individual). Most of us agreed to stay and stay I think we do. That is, we stay on the dimension most of Earth’s population is in, though our vibratory level may be higher.
I may be in the Fifth-Dimension in the future but, as a pillar, I’ll still be operating in the Fourth until it is no more.
The “outside” world is changing. I’m not saying it isn’t. But those changes are being managed by folks from very high dimensions. Those changes are not my proper focus as far as Ascension is concerned.
I feel the need to stop looking outside myself and accept that the changes I’m looking for are happening inside.
That having been said, I’d have to add that I’m straddling the fence right now. I’m moving between two dimensions. A dimension where pain causes the mind to contract as much as it feels it possibly can (pain does focus the attention wonderfully) versus a dimension where there is no pain, all is regal, and all are naturally wise.
If the physical body is not given what it needs to heal, I won’t make progress on either leg of the journey.
I’d like to promise that I’ll post three times a week. The problem doesn’t lie with the three. The other day, the writing was just pouring out of me. I’d have had a hard time suppressing myself.
The problem lies with the promise. I don’t think I can promise anything right now.
Archangel Michael said next in the reading:
Archangel Michael: Dearest heart, you have a wonderful habit of pushing yourself.
Steve: I can’t do it now!
AAM: No, you cannot and never would I recommend this. There are times for stretching your wings, extending your wings, as far as they can go, that all may see this expression of who you are.
And then there are times when the best and highest service is to stand quietly, to stand in the shadows unobserved in the privacy of your own sacred space.
Even the mightiest warrior, and, yes, I include myself, needs time when the mission and undertaking and fulfilment is in the quiet and silence and solace of your own being.
He often reveals a person’s innermost thoughts. I am tired. I will be writing for the blog to the extent that I can. But other than that, I’ll be “standing quietly” for a while.
I’ve asked Suzi not to forward email for a while. Thanks for you understanding.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2016. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
(2) I had been craving Pho or Vietnamese noodle soup for days. Some monk!