We’re building a world that works – from the ground up.
We’re first taking care of the basic needs at the base of Mazlow’s pyramid. Food, water, housing, jobs, medicine.
Then we’re taking care of matters at the social level – levelling the playing field for women, seniors, the sick, the disabled, and everyone else who has suffered at the hands of our present social arrangements.
How do we do that? Do we use a one-time lump payment or regular payments? I don’t know. At first all of us will do exactly what we want. But the question is: What is the best way to go about building Nova Earth?
I ask my guidance to help me out here. I’m at the edge of my envelope.
Love plus balance is the condition to be universally sought.
Love that draws everyone together, forgives all debts and forgets old wounds.
And balance that allows the individual to sink down into their center, their heart, and not be pulled to the left or the right.
Love and balance are to be universally sought.
Thank you, guidance.
That is how we’re to build Nova Earth – with love and balance. Just as in grade school we had to study English Lit and Mathematics, so here we have to master love and balance, collectively, and then build Nova Earth. I expect that the rest will unfold naturally.
Love is a flow and balance is the stillpoint. What a perfect balance of the Mother and the Father, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine