(Concluded from Part 2.)
I asked Jesus on An Hour with an Angel: “Is that light [that Ruusbroec refers to] indeed the Christ in its essential form?” and he replied “It is the Christed light. Yes, you are correct. In its fullest form.” (1)
On another occasion, I asked him if he was meaning “the Self, the Christ” when he used the word “I” and he confirmed he was. Here’s that conversation:
Steve Beckow: What was your relationship to the Christ? …
Jesus: I am the light that burst forth. I am the light that came from the heart of One, from the heart of God. And my purpose in all this relationship was to simply ignite not only what has been referred to as Heaven on Earth, but far beyond.
If you look to my essence, dear friend, all you will see is light. That is all there is. And it can assume relationship, and after relationship it can assume various forms. But it is a light [that] was beyond the Christ light. Can you think of it as a tiering? It was an implosion, explosion of light, and it has never changed. And it will never change.
SB: And when you say, “I am the light,” who is “I am”? Are you speaking as Jesus, or are you speaking as the Christ, as the Light?
J: No, I am speaking as the Light. (2)
All the Biblical passages about firebrands being plucked from the burning and lamps always burning on the altar are coded references to this same Light that you and I are in our penultimate essence. In our absolute and final essence, the individuated Light melts into the Supreme Light and the Child is revealed as the Mother/Father One.
Realization of the Trinity is the Staircase to Heaven
I’d be remiss if I dropped the discussion here without discussing how realization of the Trinity is the stairway to Heaven.
The Trinity is known to Christians as Father, Son and Holy Ghost and to Hindus as Brahman, Atman and Shakti. They’re represented as a Divine Family. The One created two (Heavenly Father and Divine Mother) and the two created many (all of us, the Children of God).
We realize our identity as God in stages. First we realize the Child that we are as a discrete, bright Light, as Ruusbroec did. Then we realize the Mother as a Light that suffuses creation. Then we realize the Father as a Light that transcends creation.
But even this would not be the end of the road by any means. However it does describe a section of the staircase to Heaven – that section that sees us lift ourselves out of Third Dimensionality. (3)
The Creation Realizes Its Creator
This Self, made in the image of God, can be thought of as having taken a long journey from God to God. But the journey is an unfoldment of consciousness.
Here Jesus describes that journey: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” (4) I read this sentence some years after my 1987 experience of the individual’s journey from God to God (5) and I remember saying to myself: “Yes!” I knew what he was talking about.
The One releases the many into the world of experience to learn until they realize their Unity with the Source. The instant they do, there’s no “separation.” There is again only One. Seeing that there never was anything else is awakening, the result of countless lifetimes – or of Ascension energies.
Of this penultimate reality, the Self or Christ, Jesus said: “I and my Father are one.” (6)
He added: “The Father is in me, and I am in him.” (7) The Father uniquely planted the Self or divine spark in the heart of every one of us so God is in us. God lives within us at the highest levels of reality as the flame in the heart. But since God is everything, we must be “in him.” If God is one without a second, how can we be a second to God? No, we cannot be outside of God. We must be God.
So God is not an old man with a white beard. That’s God made in the image of humans.
God is formless, immaterial, everything that is and nothing that is. God is inscrutable and the divine spark that we are is also inscrutable, or “incomprehensible,” as Ruusbroec said. Nothing definitive can be said about God or, for that matter, us.
God made us in his image and we returned the kindness. While God’s efforts always bear fruit, ours are not destined to. We’ll be dropping our conceptions of God forever. We’ll be recognizing that God is inconceivable.
When we give up trying to fit God into an image, as far as I can see, the cup that was once full will now be empty and the opportunity for real knowledge will present itself.
If we realize that One, we return to the God we never left and know It for the very first time. The creation has returned to the Creator, in whose image it was made. The dance is done. The truth is known.
(1) “Jesus on the Lost Years, the Holy Grail, Reincarnation and Much, Much More,” Dec. 24, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/12/jesus-on-the-lost-years-the-holy-grail-reincarnation-and-much-much-more/. Notice “fullest form.” That confirms that “feelings” like Christ consciousness, love, bliss, ecstacy just keep deepening. It isn’t that we transcend them; it’s that we deepen in our experience of them.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Realizing the Father
(4) Jesus in Matthew 16:28.
(5) “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/.
(6) Jesus in John 10:30.
(7) Jesus in John 10:38.