Let’s watch the Divine Couple of Divine Mother and Heavenly Father as they turn to creating life and the world.
What they do is separate and distinct from what we do by translating their wordless actions into our Third-Dimensional ideas and words. When we interpret them, we always end up making God over into our own image. I regard it as unavoidable if we use language and remain within each other’s general frame of reference. Our very metaphors will act as filters.
The Divine Mother creates bodies to allow for life to express itself into dense, material circumstances.
After the world and bodies were devised, (1) the Heavenly Father takes a spark of Itself and implants it into the spiritual heart of each individual, whether blade of grass or human being. The spark of God’s Light embodies for the purpose of educating itself on the all-important matter of its true origins, true Father, true Source.
The human father implants a sperm in the mother’s uterus. The union of sperm and egg produces a human body. On another level of reality, the Heavenly Father (the Transcendental) introduces a fragment of itself into the mystical heart, the bridge between dimensions, which produces a living individual. The human procreative act follows, imitates, and reflects the divine Creative act.
The beings so created learn from the school of experience – from the exigencies of living life in mortal bodies. They learn to band together and cooperate for survival. Their unity consciousness grows.
They move from unity to unity until they find themselves feeling one with Everything. The realization of Oneness with Everything frees them from the need to reincarnate in the physical body. They find themselves in a milieu in which the need to reincarnate has disappeared.
Nowadays we’d describe that as the Fifth Dimension.
Descriptions of the Light Made in the Image of God: Jesus on the Christ
But let’s leave that and return to descriptions of this Light, this spark of God, which is us.
The way in which God made us in his own image is that God took Light of his Light and created the illusion that it could be separate from Him.
The fact that this spark of God is Light of God’s Light is the way in which humans – and all beings – are made in the image, the likeness of God.
The first differentiation within God after the creation of the Creatrix was the illusory division of the Light into individuated lights, which we call the Self, Christ, Atman, and pearl of great price.
John Ruusbroec gave the most helpful description of it and its relationship to the Father.
“In this darkness an incomprehensible light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God in whom a person becomes able to see and contemplate eternal life.” (2)
This incomprehensible Light of God Ruusbroec calls the Son, the Christ. Jesus himself called it the the treasure buried in a field and the mustard seed that grew into a great tree. Hindus call it the Self or the Atman.
By reflecting and meditating on this Light, after our initial sight of it, the Light itself grows until it eventually leads us to the sight, the experience, the illumination that brings with it eternal life; that is, the sight of the Father. (3)
“It is Christ, the [incomprehensible] light of truth, who says, ‘See,’ and it is through him that we are able to see, for he is the light of the Father, without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.” (4)
By giving way to it, the Light that we are reveals the Light that the One is.
(Concluded in Part 3.)
(1) Not “after” as in time. I don’t think the Divine Mother materialized a thousand bodies and then God implanted the divine spark in each of them, as on an assembly line. But then again I wouldn’t possibly know how the mystical mating takes place.
(2) John Ruusbroec in James A. Wiseman, John Ruusbroec. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1985, 22.
(3) We’re already eternally alive. What’s meant by eternal life here is a lack of need to be reborn into the physical reality of Third/Fourth Dimensionality. The sight of the Father is generally conceived to mean seventh-chakra enlightenment or Brahmjnana. For a long time, this enlightenment was considered to be liberation or mukti. It actually is not liberation. Sahaja Samadhi is – the permanent heart opening that occurs downstream of the seventh chakra.
(4) Ibid., 74.