I apologize to readers for the site’s downtime. In large measure it’s due to running the site on a shoestring.
That will disappear with the arrival of abundance and we’re hanging on by anything we can (fingernails, toenails, whatever) until then. So we appreciate your consideration and patience.
It feels hard to be blissful right now. I’m very much conscious of the huge and confronting issue that humanity is presented with by the prospect that a sizable portion of a nation (Syria) is uprooting themselves and fleeing its borders plus the dislocation that residents of other countries are suffering at the arrival of the refugees and migrants.
Whenever something like this happens, those who aren’t directly affected can only bow in peace to those who are and do whatever they can to alleviate the situation. We cannot intimately know the depths of their suffering.
Our 3D viewpoints cannot contain the tragedy. Why? For one reason, because we immediately see things in terms of polarity, which means in terms of sides. So we have the refugee/migrant side and the European-resident side. What is desirable for the migrants may not be desirable for the residents and vice versa. The minute a person says one thing, taking one side into consideration, the other side may get quite exercised.
For another thing, the ten-percent effect quickly comes into play. Ten percent of the people involved in any mass event seem to come at it with an attitude of exploiting the other 90 percent. If there is an unemployment-insurance program, ten percent will abuse it. A disability program, car insurance, on and on the social-welfare programs go which always have a percentage who abuse them.
Ten percent? Nine percent? Twenty percent? I don’t know how much the percentage is, but some always abuse it.
I’ll be telling the folks who assist me with the Michaelangelo Fund to just suck up the ten-percent losses as the price of doing business. I think we have to take the same approach here or we tend to give up trying to help.
Only from a higher-dimensional perspective can one see both sides as hurting and needing help. And until a few years ago, we’d have never even known that higher-dimensional perspectives existed. Or higher dimensions.
But you and I know they exist and that’s the key to the help that we can (initially) provide.
The people affected by this mass migration in the first instance need a perspective in which these events can be held and approached. You and I, aware as we are of the activities of the dark and the Light, are uniquely positioned to supply that perspective. “Uniquely positioned” because we agreed to play this role before birth.
“Uniquely positioned” because we’re aware of the rising vibrations and their impact on us and our world.
We know that the situation we’re facing was brought about through centuries of exploitation by a group of power-hungry people at the top of various national pyramids. We know them as the “Illuminati.” They form secret governments, take over militaries, and play nations off against each other to conquer, rule and exploit them.
They sequester the world’s wealth and heedlessly exploit the world’s natural resources, for their own benefit.
A large part of a nation fleeing its own borders is the natural outgrowth of centuries of exploitation, oppression, murder, rape, on and on the list goes. Not just in Syria, because it isn’t just Syria that’s on the road, but many African nations as well.
Einstein knew that we could not solve our 3D problems by approaching them with 3D minds. Only 5D hearts will solve this problem.
We have to get bigger. By “bigger” I mean we have to open our hearts, and not just in the 3d sense of that, which charities are referring to when they ask us to open our hearts and our pocketbooks.
I mean the kind of heart openings that allow us entry to states of love, bliss, and ecstacy because it’s from these higher-dimensional states that the answers become clear.
Those answers arise from the fertile ground of recognizing all of us as family, as sisters and brothers. This is only seen when one is drenched in love.
Stop trying to understand why this would be so and just try drawing love up from your heart and sending it out to the world. Love will lead the way.
The answers arise from a heart overflowing with love, which sees no differences but only unity, no sides but only oneness.
They arise from a person seeing that inaction is no longer supportable. We’re all of us committed because this is our world. Just ask the off-worlders who are here waiting with open arms for us to wake up.
The answers also come from the courage that feeling love and bliss bestows. Love and bliss are worlds apart from our 3D feelings of selfishness, possessiveness, and control.
Our seeking love and bliss is not merely and narrowly “spiritual” in the sense that we just want to go off to a cave, meditate, and enjoy. “I’m OK but you’re screwed,” people who feel this way think.
It’s dynamically and intimately social in that it allows us to see that the world’s wealth is there for all of us to share, that even notions like national boundaries serve the interests of the few, and that this is one world, one cooperative commonwealth, of which all of us are stewards.
The revolution that Ascension is will not be accomplished by storming the Bastille – or the United Nations. It will be accomplished by each of us storming our own inner Bastilles, tearing down the inner ramparts, the inner dungeon of self-servingness and distrust, apathy and greed.
We need to open our hearts in a much more thorough-going way than a merely charitable reflex represents. Yes, assisting with money and resources is essential. But it’s only triaging. It’s only the first response.
Much more is required, the bulk of which is not material. Love is not material. But it’s needed much more than many material things are. Indeed, love being in place, all else will follow. It could not be otherwise. What love does not immediately answer, it will bring in its train.
You and I need to make clear to the world the perspective from which the problems presented by this huge migration can and will be solved. That perspective revolves around the divine qualities of love called compassion and loving-kindness.
Easy to get intellectually but not as easy to get as either experiential or realized knowledge. Not easy to get down to our bones.
So our first service is to bring our higher-dimensional understanding (whether realized, experiential, or intellectual) to bear on this mammoth problem and offer the world a way in which the problem can be seen that allows for concrete, difference-making action to be taken.
Let’s understand what’s transpiring. Let’s evaluate what needs to be done from a higher-dimensional perspective. And then let’s find ways of interjecting our perspective into the discussion of things.
Perspective first. Plans second. Action third. Unless someone homeless and hungry is standing right there in front of you.
Yes, we’ll meet all the same voices that have defeated all manner of bold initiatives: there aren’t enough resources for it; there’ll always be displaced people; there are no workable solutions; and why should it concern us anyways? It isn’t our problem.
Keep at it. If we keep putting love and truth out there long enough, what we say will eventually become the accepted truth and the common wisdom.
Put yourself in the place of the refugees and migrants. What would it take to have you leave your homeland and wander in the world with only a suitcase at best?
And what would you want the world to do?