(Continued from Part 4.)
The Assumption of No Personal Responsibility
I’d like to add a fourth to Werner’s list of unconscious, unexamined assumptions and beliefs.
The fourth is the assumption that whatever it is that needs to be done is not something I’m capable of doing, not something that applies to me. This position asks the question: Why me? And concludes that I’m not the one to do the job.
This is the unwilling participant, the fearful, withdrawing child. This is the being that needs triaging before he or she is willing to go forward.
Just as we’ve had it drilled into us that resources were scarce, poverty was inevitable, and there were no solutions, so we’ve been told each time we step out from the herd to actually offer solutions that we’re being arrogant, presumptuous, and vain.
What you and I have been doing for the past three or four years is clearing out these false beliefs and core issues, observing ourselves, seeing what we’re really up to.
Straightening out bent twigs that grew into great trees, (1) levelling the mountains of arrogance and filling the valleys of despair, making straight the way of the Lord. (2)
If there was any doubt that you and I are the ones, it’d be in regard to the ego-self. Those with high ego involvement may not be ready to do the work of financial wayshowing. They may be wedded to service to self rather than service to others.
But we find that even the ego-self is welcome, just not as commander-in-chief.
We are the cavalry. We are the ones they/we sent down here to get the job done.
We are the specialists and the experts and the rank and file who are giving our best efforts to eradicate the problems of hunger, disease, poverty, and homelessness, once and for all, on Gaia.
Lightworkers will find themselves so far ahead of the pack at some early future date because of the cumulative effect of the study and clearing we’ve done. At that point people will, I think, naturally and easily look to us for leadership as people who have an intelligent opinion on and intimate knowledge of what’s happening around us.
Archangel Michael once addressed the question of our authority to speak and what he said is like our own Declaration of Independence. Please allow me to reproduce it in whole. I asked him on whose authority we stood forward to represent and speak for the collective. (3)
“You do it on the authority of the Divine Mother. You do it on my authority. You do it on the authority of the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, your star family, your intergalactic brothers and sisters. But most of all, you do it on the authority of humanity. You do it on the authority of your sacred self.
“Authority, in the truest meaning of the word, is the assumption of a role and responsibility to fulfill a mission, an undertaking, whether it is of a long nature of several million years, or of a brief nature of an assignment.
“But you have come from a paradigm — a very strong paradigm — of control. So you have come from a system where people have said and believed: do you have the authority to do that? Always in a challenging and somewhat negative manner: by whose authority do you act?
“And for a variety of reasons, all related to liberation, freedom, and self-worth, there has been a hesitancy for human beings, individuals, to step forward and say, on my [own] authority, on my supreme authority as a servant of the Mother that lives within, as a servant of humanity for whom I speak.
“And then they will say, by whose authority do you have the right to speak for the collective?
“That is where unity consciousness comes to the forefront. That is where the truth speaking — which has been very absent — where the truth speaking of what humanity truly wants, desires, yearns for, and diligently, consistently works to create, comes to the forefront. …
“You begin to speak with authority and responsibility, because you cannot divorce these two; it is like hope and trust, you cannot divorce them, you cannot separate them.
“And you have the authority, the God-given source, whatever you choose to call the One, you have the authority to speak the truth, not of some concoction of what you think, or hope humanity wants, but the truth of what you know humanity wants in a collective way. Because you all want the same thing, regardless of cultures, of politics, of religions, of institutions, of backgrounds, socio-economics.” (4)
When I’m in bliss, as I am now, free of nervousness, full of confidence, everything is so clear. And you know, and I know, that this is where we’re headed. This bliss, this result of the gamma rays and other rising energies, is what will gird our loins, so to speak.
When we say the Lord is our shepherd, the Lord is in this bliss. These very energies we bathe in are our shield and our buckler. They’ll see us through the valley of the shadow of death, which this chaos represents and which the dark forces believed they could use to defeat us.
When things are this clear, for as long as I’m in bliss, the next step is clear. And the next and the next.
Tomorrow I’d like to look at the prison we build for ourselves by seeing life through these four filters.
(Concluded in Part 6.)
(1) As the twig is bent, the tree inclines. Vasanas are what bend the twig.
(2) “The way of the Lord” is actually the sushumna canal, up which the kundalini travels. Making it straight means ironing out the blocks that stand in the way of the kundalini rising. But all Biblical passages have multiple levels of meaning. One level here is clearing the blocks and obstacles that lie in our way of making a difference in our world.
(3) I don’t mean we arrogate to ourselves the right to speak for the collective. I’m speaking of new-paradigm leadership, which is about the divine qualities rather than old-paradigm leadership, which was about power and control.
(4) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership Part 2,” May 23, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=258317