One of the impediments to us being transparent and authentic is that we fear the truth being known about us. We fear being embarrassed or humiliated. We fear a loss of face.
Let me illustrate, if you will, that one can acknowledge the most embarrassing of truths and still survive.
A friend of mine accused me of having “spiritual ego.” And so I took a look. I observed myself, listened to my words and tone. And guess what? She was right. I had spiritual ego.
I could hear it loud and clear in my vocal tone. I don’t think I needed to go further than that to acknowledge the accuracy of her assessment.
Now what possible benefit would it bring me to say this to you?
Well, I want to demonstrate that we can hear the truth about ourselves and not die. The worst that may happen is that we go through a wave of embarrassment or humiliation for a brief few moments … or longer.
But we continue to live.
If we’re going to transform our society from one that remains closed and hidden, as it has had to do in this predatory environment we’ve recently emerged from, then we need to be prepared to hear the truth about ourselves. That’s the point in any relationship where things bog down.
Oftentimes we don’t get past it. People in relationship can either hear or they cannot hear the truth about themselves. If we find that we’re married to someone who won’t hear the truth about themselves, then the manipulations begin.
Certainly in galactic society, we won’t be able to hide the truth. So the future of hiding is strictly limited.
The big hurdle to people flocking to transparency as they might to free cotton candy is this worry and fear that one is going to get hurt by the process of self-revelation. And sometimes we are.
But the rewards for walking down the street as close to squeaky clean as we can possibly get are great. And at no time in our history were they greater.
There isn’t anything in my mind that surpasses the reward of bliss. Just think about it for a second. A high percentage of the creative acts we do is just to get bliss. Why do you want that condo in Hawaii? So you can feel swept away looking at the sea from your balcony and be … blissful. Right? Why are you working so hard at that job? To have the money to buy a yacht and then you’ll be … blissful. No?
This generation uniquely is being offered bliss on a silver platter if not now, then soon. What more could anyone want?
I feel completely recompensed and seek no other reward than bliss. Except more bliss. I’m a supertanker and I’m hungry for bliss. And I ain’t leaving the dock until I get some.
Yes, I have spiritual ego. Think of it as a kind of rust on the spiritual pipes. Time to get the steel wool out and give myself a good scrubbing. Or just get it and get on with it.
Time to stand forth, self-revealed, in sahaja, our sovereign state, our natural state of being, in Adam-Kadmon light body. Time for Adam to return the favor to his Creator by emerging into “full” consciousness. Time to emerge and ascend. Why? Because we say it is.