I was saying yesterday (1) that enhanced responsibilities bring up fresh vasanas.
Vasana is a Hindu term for our automatic reaction patterns born of past traumatic incidents. If we’re irritable, uncooperative, snarkey, angry, jealous, greedy, at the basis of all of them will be found a vasana – or as Linda Dillon calls them a core issue. (2)
I regard skill in processing vasanas as the most important aspect of a lightworker’s personal growth work.
As we move forward in our lightwork, we’re going to be taking on larger and larger responsibilities and we’re well advised to anticipate that these wider responsibilities will bring up fresh vasanas (if a vasana can ever be considered “fresh”). So it really would benefit us to learn how to process them.
I said that taking on a new level of responsibilities, especially a level that brings me into much greater social contact – out of my hiding place in my apartment and out into the world – was bringing up shame and guilt.
I now see another side to that – a response to shame and guilt that has me choose to be arrogant.
A reader wrote in and said I wonder when Steve will stop talking about his early life? Hey, this is my job. I’m demonstrating how to handle the feelings that come up when we go to engage in lightwork and block a lightworker from making their contribution. This is my lightwork.
Numerous other sites are covering the news, healing, the mystic sciences, etc. I am covering freeing ourselves from what holds us back in our lightwork.
I observed myself having emerged from a bout of guilt and shame that arose out of contemplating my new assignment. In that process of emergence, I saw myself begin to build a castle of arrogance, with a moat of unapproachability and a drawbridge of judgments. I’m in that space now so I can simply describe it.
I feel smug, self-satisfied, superior. I am “better than.” As I say these words, they connect with the actual space. I know I’m accurate because the truth does set me free. Not only will the ultimate truth set us free from the wheel of birth and death (i.e., Third/Fourth Dimensionality) but the relative truth of our vasana or core issue will set us free from that vasana.
I use the truth to guide me in my processing. The deeper I go into the truth, the more I experience release from the unwanted condition; in this case, arrogance. If I’m feeling no progressive release, I’m going down the wrong path.
I was asking a friend the other day why it’s so hard to do the right thing and the answer is that the wrong thing feels so good. We have a saying, “If it feels good, do it.” Not necessarily. Lust feels good; arrogance, greed, even jealousy. But the upshot of each of them feels anything but good.
The social isolation from arrogance, the rejection from jealousy, the slap in the face from lust all don’t feel anything like good. So to go for the short-term burst of pleasurable feelings and incur the long-term price of rejection … well, it’s something that we can endure in our teens but as the years roll on the cost goes up and up.
Eventually we determine to go for the long-term, rather than the short-term, gain.
Back to my arrogance, I still feel self-satisfied, smug. But I also see now that it’s a way of compensating for underlying guilt and shame. I see the connection between the two.
I remain with the feeling, “being with and observing” it. Gradually the arrogance lifts and I encounter underneath it a neutral feeling of confidence.
Arrogance hails from my late teens but this feeling of confidence is a more recent development. It feels neutral and isn’t a problem for me. It feels like resolution. The minute the arrogance leaves, I forget about it. It’s as if it was never there.
I now am not aware of any more unwanted conditions so I declare this vasana flattened on this go round. It could or may arise again in the future but I predict it’ll be easier to process the second time around.
Phew! Release from a vasana is always so pleasant. I feel love arising in the space created by sourcing the vasana. I feel relief and release: the truth has set me free. The love multiplies.
Here I am in a restaurant, having breakfast while waiting for a store to open, blissing out. Taking deep breaths of love and sending it out to the world, restored to Self.
Before I go, might I encourage everyone reading this to ask the Company of Heaven for a heart opening? Everyone I speak to about the matter says, oh, my heart is open or oh, I had a release in this year or that. But very few people who say that are actually in the experience of transformative love, which is the proof of the pudding.
The CoH will not intervene in our lives unless we ask them so, everyone, ask for a heart opening. Then love will flow in a way that will leave no doubt that the event has happened and will benefit all around you.
(1) See “Commitment vs Core Issue” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/18/commitment-vs-core-issue/.
(2) If you wish more information on vasanas and how to “source” or flatten them, here’s one source: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://d1br7wc30ambms.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Preparing-for-Ascension-by-Clearing-Old-Issues.pdf. The Library/Archives also has a list of articles on the subject. See “On Processing Root Vasanas or Core Issues” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/.
On the notion of vasanas itself, see “Vasanas (Latent Tendencies)” and the following sections at From Darkness Unto Light at https://goldengaiadb.com/V.