Reader Mano is an artist who works with sacred geometry and has permitted me to post one of her paintings of the chakras, with Vesica Piscis Mandala in the heart. Thank you, Mano.
Hi Steve,
This is the painting which first came to mind when I read your recent article. It was channelled in the sense that I just did what I was guided to do without knowing what the final outcome was going to be. It ‘evolved’ in stages and I was surprised at the end because it all came together in a way I had not expected. I called it ‘Diamond Body,’ without knowing why.
This was back in the winter of 2008/09. In the spring of 2009 this painting was a part of a big exhibition of artwork work which I was guided to call ‘Dragon Dancer’. This made absolutely no sense at the time but, now, years later, it does because so many wonderful sources have been bringing through information on Ascension and the shift from 3D to 5D that we are making, etc., etc.
The painting started off with me stitching the square grid in a spiral type design based on the golden mean/Fibonacci numbers. I did this directly through and onto the canvas with needle and thread like a tapestry after measuring it out with a ruler. There is also a physical leaf stuck onto the canvas positioned above this grid. It is painted gold and seems to connect the Higher Heart with the Throat Chakra
Looking at it now, with hindsight, I am struck by several things.
I’m thinking now that it is a way of symbolising the various ‘upgrades’ of the energies of the 4 elements in our physical bodies that have to be made so that a ‘Flowering of Life’ becomes actual? This upgrade is also being called things like the Diamond Body/Crystalline Matrix/MerKaBa/Christ Consciousness. I am not sure what it is called in the Hindu/Buddhist traditions.
My guides suggested a simple way to work with images which encourages the intuitive mind to speak and unpack or unlock its wisdom. I start off by just describing the picture as though I was telling someone else about it. I begin with the first thing that grabs my attention and then go on to the next thing….. This might be, for example: An eye shape in the middle of the person’s chest. It looks a bit like a cat’s eye or maybe a dragon’s?…..and then there is….
Then, I consider objectively the words I’ve chosen and gently ask for more information. E.g. “Ohh, that’s interesting…a cat’s eye or even a dragon’s eye…Why? What’s that all about?”
I’ll attach 2 other paintings from the same 2009 series because they also include the Flower of Life/Vesica Piscis motif. I will also send some pics. of the Flower of Life carvings which can still be seen in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. (2)
Thank you for the invitation to share this. I have been busy with other things for the last several years and it is very good for me to look back at all this earlier work with a new set of eyes as it were. So much more is being revealed!
Love and Blessings, Mano
(1) The Vesica Piscis Mandala is in the spiritual heart, rather than the heart chakra.
(2) Steve: Mano, Let me add the Chalice Well cover at Glastonbury too, with its Vesica Piscis, or two intersecting circles motif.