I’d like to continue our discussion from yesterday and perhaps widen it a bit.
I’ve been impacted by the discussion I had with Sue Lie and the Arcturians Tuesday morning, which will be featured on An Hour with an Angel Thursday night. We discussed the fact that what we give our attention to becomes our intention. What we give our attention to is what shows up for us in our lives. What we think, we end up creating and experiencing, by the law of attraction.
Earlier I had said that we neither had the staff right now to cover Paris events nor does anyone want to give the Illuminati the satisfaction of having us sweep ourselves up in their instigated hysteria. Of course we’re devastated by the tragedy and feel great compassion for the victims (who live on) and their families.
But we don’t want to allow the Illuminati to set our agenda and send us into fear.
I now see however that the matter goes further. We don’t have the needed staff to follow the baseline of news (period). And when I personally do, what results is an incomplete comprehension, out-of-date news, etc., etc.
In relation to Paris and to the news about TNT Tony, which I only became aware of when a reader wrote in, I see again that I can’t ride two horses. One has to be dedicated to following these stories, not simply announcing them. Otherwise we stir up a hornet’s nest, which I’m not equipped to deal with later.
This work of gathering news on the outside world is not what I’m here for and probably not what my colleagues are here for either.
A long time ago, Archangel Michael said to me in a reading that he did not want me on the frontlines of battle, fighting the good fight. There are others who have it in their soul contracts to do that. I didn’t understand the implications of that then and am only gradually learning what they are.
I once covered the cabal’s beat, but that time now is getting further and further behind me. I’m here for Ascension and, coupled with that, to build Nova Earth.
So it isn’t that I’m unfeeling and it isn’t that I want to bury my head in the sand. But, in the scarce time I have to get so much done, I have to reaffirm my intention to stay with the Ascension Agenda, the Abundance Agenda and the Disclosure Agenda.
Another aspect of what I’m dealing with as I look at these matters concerns how hard it’s getting to follow my moods up and down. The process of reactivation may see us get angry (rise up, so to speak) or get depressed (fall low). I can no longer go to those places. They feel too unpleasant.
The Arcturians on AHWAA today returned to their earlier message that we’ll have to be masters of our thoughts (feelings too, but thoughts especially) because in 5D what we think we make manifest. For me, who’s focussed on internal states more than external events, I can’t afford the mistakes I make (any longer) when I get mad or fall into a depression.
I don’t have a manual that says how to avoid these states. But I have the huge motivation of wanting to fulfill my promises to the Mother and not wanting to fail in my mission. So I find myself with a lot of attention on avoiding those states these days, where before they served me.
The road gets narrower and narrower if I’m to do the work I signed on for. I have to withdraw attention from the many thoughts I have that are judgmental, prurient, grumpy, selfish, etc. The work just goes on and on, but it gets finer and finer as well. In granularity. In refinement.
Nonetheless, if bliss is the reward and the successful conclusion of one’s mission, then all of this reconstruction of self is worth it.
Krishna once said that enlightenment was the reward of all effort. Until that time arrives, the bliss train is a great ride and good enough for me.