(Continued from Part 1.)
What were the Illuminati’s Motives?
Will Berlinghjof asked Cosmic Awareness what the massacre planners’ motives were. CA replied:
“To understand this, one must also understand what has been occurring in Syria and Iraq over the last couple of months. This especially so since the Russian forces have been involved in Syria, have backed the legitimate ruler and people of Syria.
“They have been highly successful, the Russians, the Syrians and the others that have joined them in destroying ISIS bases, in destroying the ammunition depots and equipment storage places, thus also destroying much of the equipment and arms of ISIS over the last two months and that they have been highly successful in this effort. So much so, that it has literally disabled ISIS as an effective force in that region, but this is not being reported.” (1)
CA tells us that “the attacks in Paris were meant to escalate again and enhance further the effectiveness of ISIS to strike at targets anywhere in the world.” (2)
CA calls what’s happening psychological; warfare: presenting ISIS as a worldwide threat.
“This Awareness states that this is psychological warfare. That they, those who are behind ISIS, those who created Islamic state, those who have a hidden agenda have seen that the effectiveness of the fighting forces in Syria and Iraq, the ISIS forces are being dismembered, are being shut down, but they still need ISIS to be the boogeyman that can evoke such terror in the hearts and minds of the peoples of the world, the free world as it is called sometimes. ….
“The psychological warfare is to present the scenario that ISIS has now the capacity to strike anywhere, escalating the need for vigilance or, allegedly, the need for vigilance.” (3)
Another motive, CA tells us, is to get the population used to the borders being closed.
“France has closed its borders, as has Belgium. That this too is part of an overall plan of shutting down nations, closing their borders upon the perception of an alleged attack upon the lands of the various nations of the world.
“This would be very effective for the USA, for example, if they too perceived or received energies of intelligence stating that there was some imminent event in their nation that was about to be pulled off, and that they then could shut down the borders and close off the air lanes and the land lines of access into a nation such as the USA, or any other nation such as France, as now is the case.” (4)
Moreover there were actually several false flags that happened simultaneously, CA reports. The reasons for those are to create such a level of threat that the population would cry out for protection. This is classic problem/reaction/solution, he says.
“That this Awareness would also state another reason why there has been an escalation, for this event in Paris was more than a singular attack, more than a one person or small group false flag event. It was several false flags under the umbrella of one larger false flag. That part of the reason for this is to create such fear that the peoples of those nations, of any nation, would call out for some sort of action.
“This is the classic ‘problem/reaction/solution’ approach that these ones, those in power, that these ones are used to using, have often used. They already know what they wish to achieve but they must create a problem, a situation that will get a reaction from the people, and then in response, seemingly to the demands of the people for greater security and protection in this case, that they come forward with their solution. That in this case, the solution as much to do with creating an even stronger police state presence.” (5)
The presence of troops on streets is designed to get the people used to the military presence, CA says.
“It is not unusual right now to see on the streets of Paris armed military at their monuments, at their sites, roaming the streets, and that this is what is desired by those in power to create the next level of the police state, where common citizens will accept armed troops in their streets, in their capitals, in their cities and that this is a next stage or level of the long-term plans of those who are behind this event, and the many other false flag events that have been taking place.” (6)
When Will Berlinghjof asked him if this is all part of the formation of the one world government, CA replied:
“It is certainly a goal that those in power in some areas of the world are trying to establish.
“They are moving towards one world government and that which is commonly known as a New World Order where a heavy police state is part of the common situation experienced by all. Also in line with this would be the formation of an international task force, that has the responsibility not only for a nation’s security but globally as well. But if this task force, this unified task force is allowed to be, then it will soon become apparent that theirs is not really the purpose of protecting the citizens of the world, but in actuality ensuring that the citizens of the world become the slaves of those who have it in their mind as part of their plans to create this New World Order. (7)
Matthew tells us that the Paris attack “was born of growing desperation about fast-waning control and decreasing numbers of minions, and desperate individuals act[ing] without thinking rationally about the consequences. They intended to put and keep the world in the grip of fear—they feed on the energy of fear. Instead, they united the world in the high vibrations of compassion and resolve to stand strong against terrorism.” (8)
Thus the ultimate motive of the Illuminati is the New World Order, one world government under their control and enforced by their militaries. ISIS is, in their psychological warfare, a useful prop for them to frighten world populations and send them into the arms of the dark, a bogyeman clear and simple.
The Paris Massacre also accustoms people to border closures and the sight of armed soldiers on city streets.
Tomorrow we’ll look at some aspects of the answer, according to our sources.
(1) Cosmic Awareness, “Paris Terrorist Situation,” Nov. 15, 2015, at https://d1br7wc30ambms.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cosmic-awareness.png
(2) Loc. cit.
(2) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Matthew’s Message, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.