SaLuSa from Sirius asks us to look back on the last fifty years (minus the weather warfare) if we want to see how the climate has changed.
“If ever you needed proof of the weather changes that are taking place, you only have to look back at the difference now to what it was just some 50 years ago.” (11)
“The changes are dramatic and do not appear to follow any particular pattern and at times seem chaotic. Yet the changes are not random happenings, but leading to a more acceptable pattern and one that ensures that the extremes you usually experience no longer occur.” (2)
He tells us that the galactics are monitoring weather conditions on Earth and plan on restoring Earth to pristine conditions once they are allowed to land:
“We shall continue with our monitoring of Earth’s activities, including those of Mother Earth who is also involved in the changes that are occurring. The upheavals are necessary to allow the greater changes that will result in a new Earth, cleansed of all the residues of centuries of neglect and the poisoning of the land and seas.
“It may look to be an almost impossible task, but with our advanced knowledge and unlimited resources it will not take very long to achieve. We are in fact already prepared to go ahead with Mother Earth and restore her to the pristine condition she was many Ages ago.
“These tasks could not be handled by you with the limited knowledge you have, but we will be on hand to assist you once the cleansing can commence.” (3)
He reminds us that we are the guardians of the Earth.
“You are the Guardians of the Earth and it is now time that you accepted your responsibility. You have to help restore Mother Earth, and it is your recompense for all she has done for you. As you might say, you are all in it together and it is true that what you do to one, you do to all. The more you establish a loving relationship with Mother Earth, the more it will help lessen the need for dramatic changes.” (4)
SaLuSa elaborates on the Earth changes will either be occurring now or soon. Those who leave are those who wish to be released:
“Naturally physical changes will occur on Earth and we are aware of what will take place, and are allowed to direct them in ways that will minimise their effects.” (5)
“You are learning from a number of sources that you are about to enter a period of extensive changes, and it is already beginning to happen. If you currently live where major changes are due to occur be assured that provisions are being made to ensure your safety.
“There will of course be some loss of life but for the souls involved it will be a desired release from their present experiences. Remember that nothing happens by chance, and all major events in particular are planned with attention to the life plans of the souls involved.” (6)
Matthew tells us that people affected by rising sea levels will be moved elsewhere.
“Some low-lying coastal areas and islands will be affected, as I mentioned before along with stating that residents will have time to move to higher areas and be compensated for relocation.” (7)
Archangel Uriel laid out the blueprint for Earth after the climates have been restored worldwide to temperateness. Please note that a uniformly temperate climate is what prevails on the Astral Planes, what we call the Fourth Dimension. (8)
“Temperate climates that enfold and embrace not only humanity but each of you personally, as well as every flower, every blade of grass, every pebble, every grain in sand, all of it is held in the balance and that is the balance not only of the elements, of earth and air and fire and water.
“It is the balance of what those elements as they came together – atomic, sub-atomic, fibers, molecules -what they were intended to be. They were intended to be the expression of love.” (9)
So just as we’ll soon be stewards of the Mother’s wealth, we’re also the guardians of Mother Earth. We made the mess. Let’s clean this place up. Backed by galactic resources, we’ll do it quickly.
But much wider than that, all the climate changes happening now are intentional. The Plan is to return the Earth to its pristine condition and to create a globally-temperate climate.
There’s no need for conferences in Paris. There’s no need for the United Nations to do something or not do something. These are not the arenas in which the major actions are taking place, whether or not the elite thinks they are.
Our galactic family has the matter of the planet’s future well mapped out. Our future is with them and not with the cabal.
Meanwhile, there is no adverse climatic change happening. Only a planet returning to Eden.
(1) SaLuSa, Oct. 17, 2014, at .
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Ibid., July 10, 2015.
(4) Ibid., Nov. 4, 2009.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ibid., May 29, 2015.
(7) Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2007.
(8) On this see
(9) Archangel Uriel in “Attention All Rainmakers: Calling for a Meditation This Saturday at 15:15,” at