A reader wrote in and said he had entered the transformed space and lost it.
Yes, getting it and losing it, getting it and losing it is the order of the day, short of Sahaja Samadhi. Sahaja comes down the line, not at Ascension, but after it.
I had eight experiences of the transformed space, which implies that I lost it eight times as well.
There’s nothing amiss with losing it. Stress, aches, pains, a lie, an untoward thought – anything can cause the body to tense up and close the space off.
Love someone. Love everyone. Surrender completely. And you may recover the space.
Telling the truth at a very, very deep level has caused me to burst through into the transformed space many years ago. Making a huge difference in someone’s life has. Taking a stand, making a promise, sharing a withhold – all of these call the Self forth, which is the same as saying “cause us to break through to the transformed space.”
But be prepared to lose it again. Perhaps enjoy it while you can as a taste of what’s to come.
So let’s consider the permanent entry into the transformed space Myth No. 1.
Myth No. 2 would be that you can only reach the transformed space if you’re in sacred partnership. I was in sacred partnership (I’m not now) at a strategic time in my life and it greatly magnified and multiplied my consciousness’ ability to rise. I highly recommend it and I acknowledge that many lightworkers are not in it.
Being in the space does not depend on being in relationship. If it did, monks of all ages would not have sought the sanctuary of their cell or cave. They would have been householders. But most were not.
When I was not in sacred partnership, loving the world still allowed my consciousness to rise. It’s love and not the object of love that’s effective.
I don’t think love is the only road to higher consciousness. If it was, we wouldn’t have the many spiritual paths that we do. Wisdom, service, meditation – these are alternatives to the devotional path or the path of love.
Perhaps let me use this space to speak to one other matter. A reader asked me what was the primary pitfall for humans. Well, everyone will have their personal choice.
Mine is the self-serving bias. What’s that? It’s the tendency to glorify oneself and diminish others, to attribute all successes to oneself and all failures to others.
I do it. Most people do. I praise myself and call attention to evidence that I’m a pretty good guy. People that don’t like me I find some self-serving reason for discounting.
Anyone who judges people is using the self-serving bias. A judgment diminishes the other person. Diminishing is self-serving.
The more I live in the center or heart and love, the less I feel the need to be self-serving.
The person who doesn’t judge anyone, who lives to serve others (and themselves, proportionately) has probably escaped from self-servingness. The ranks of those people will undoubtedly increase as the energies rise, but, up till this point, being self-serving was positively inculcated in us from practically all the controlled media we watched or listened to.
In all things like the self-serving bias, the answer, for me, is simply to observe myself, to be aware. Any behavior pattern, raised to awareness, will likely not persist. I’ve said on earlier occasions that awareness is not neutral, as so many of us think. It dissolves.
Simply becoming aware of any habit of mind immediately begins the process of its dissolution. We don’t have to “change.” We don’t have to mend or amend our ways. What we need to do, in my opinion, is to raise our consciousness or become aware.
Finally, one can be an “awarewolf” and try to force people to become aware of matters they don’t wish to become aware of. Many don’t want to think 9/11 was an inside job. Many don’t wish to contemplate that the biggest contributor to methane in the air is feedstock cattle. This is a world of free choice and any kind of force simply invites resistance.
Lightworkers especially can get pushy and impatient in the area of awareness of issues. Force has never worked since the beginning of time. We might wish to become aware of the vasana or core issue that has us want to force others rather than allow them the same right to be and think as they do that we’d want extended to us.
So, no, I’m not in the transformed space now that I was. And I’ve stopped trying to force the issue by loving “rigorously.” I’m happy to allow the scenario to unfold as the Divine Plan stipulates. So far the ride’s been the thrill of a lifetime, punctuated by many down moments and a lot of waiting. Whoever has their hand on the tiller is doing a pretty good job, in my view, and I’m content to remain for the ride.