Ethnography is defined as “the study and systematic recording of human cultures; also : a descriptive work produced from such research.”
Ethnography is one subdiscipline within the discipline of anthropology.
As a former cultural historian, I saw culture as an organization of ideas, manifest in act and artifact though consisting of neither, through which human beings understand their world and take purposive action.
Every society has a culture. We’re creating a new form of society, without borders, without racial, gender or other biases, and ascended. That society will have its own culture and lightworkers, by their thoughts and actions, are creating it as we speak.
What does “ascended” mean? Ascension for me means a radical, transformative, and reorganizing expansion of consciousness. This expansion removes one, for the time it’s experienced, from the vibrational frequency of the Third and Fourth Dimensions and leaves one in the vibrational frequency of the Fifth or higher.
Along with this elevation of consciousness comes the experience of states of being like love, bliss, happiness, tranquillity, satisfaction, and aliveness, native to us but only experienced in these higher vibrational regions.
When ethnographers enter a new village, and I’m guessing at this, they begin by first orienting themselves. They make notes of all they see, usually without trying to impose a form on it. So I shall begin by making notes of all I’ve noticed about ascension so far without imposing a form on it either.
First of all, it’s been my experience that ascension occurs primarily because of, and in a moment of, release. It isn’t something that requires effort, struggle, labor, exertion. One releases oneself into ascension.
Secondly, strong determination contributes to ascension (what Buddhists call, if I remember correctly, adiktan). We have to be 100% resolved to ascend, not 90% or even 99%.
If you had a bicycle tire that was 90% whole and had a gash in it over 10% of the area, the bicycle could not be ridden. Even a gash of 1% in the tire would still mean it couldn’t be ridden. To ride the bike, the tire must be unpunctured over 100% of its area.
So with ascension, one must be 100% resolved to ascend. Without that, there’s not the “juice,” the resolve, the determination to ascend and the action doesn’t happen.
The mother who lifts the car off her child has found the juice to do it. And the universe moves in support of her. To make the universe move in response to our resolve, that resolve must be 100%.
That’s why certain practices are useful. Making a promise, commitment, or declaration, taking a stand, sharing a withhold, telling the truth at a deep level – these stir the soul and well position a strongly-determined person to ascend. Any indecision or wishy washiness and the air goes out of the tire.
Third, the practice of the divine qualities are essential to create the most fertile ground in which the seed of ascension can blossom.
For Buddhists, the divine qualities are more than simply sila or morality. That’s at best a matter of integrity – necessary but not sufficient. More is needed.
The divine qualities are what Buddha called the paramitas or virtues. These must be practiced for there to be air in the tire or fertile ground to plant the seed in.
Fourth, there will be different experiences of ascension with different people. For Paul, (1) ascension landed him in a different place. For me, ascension (2) was an expansion of consciousness and experience with no perception of landing in a different place. I stayed right here. Undoubtedly people’s experiences will vary.
After my third apparent trip through the ascension portal, I attended the Vancouver meet-up, at which another member related experiences which were almost exactly the same as mine. So some have similar experiences; some have different.
Fifth, being in sacred partnership magnifies and multiplies the results of spiritual practice. Love is the royal road to ascension, in my view. It’s what allowed my sacred partner and I to climb the ladder of Jacob’s consciousness and reach the ascended state. There ‘s no road more direct and promising, as far as I’m concerned; love in relationship is especially fertile.
After Brahmajnana, or God-Realization comes Ascension itself – Sahaja Samadhi or our natural state. This event happens deeper into the Fifth Dimension – i.e., more subplanes in.
Upon the attainment of Sahaja, we’re liberated. Hindus call this moksha or mukti; Buddhists, nirvana; Christians, Salvation, Resurrection, and Redemption. It’s the death of our root vasanas or core issues.
That’s probably enough for one go. These are noticeings from having landed in what was said to be the ascended state. These noticings, from me and others, can eventually be gathered together to produce an ethnography of ascension. That’s where I’m aiming my efforts.
(1) Paul, “My Ascension Story: A Glimpse Of Nova Earth,” Oct. 4, 2015 at
(2) I have apparently ascended a few times: in a meditation retreat (7th Dimension), at the outset of the heart opening (5th Dimension), and upon drowning in the Ocean of Love (7th Dimension). I believe the 1987 vision of the total journey of an individual soul from God to God may also have been higher-dimensional.
I say this on the basis of verification from Archangel Michael. I myself would be unable to say what’s so: there’s no way of knowing what dimension one is on solely from one’s experience. And I report these experiences, I can now say given that we have the language, for ethnographic reasons, to have a record of new explorations, and not to puff myself.
Here are some of those discussions with Michael and the Arcturians:
Proof of Toning Down/Moderating Experiences
Steve: Ordinarily you would experience Brahmajnana at that point [the kundalini’s activation of the seventh chakra] but I felt that it had been muted, toned down.
Archangel Michael: Completely toned down. We want you very physically present. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 30, 2015.)
Higher-Dimensional Experiences
Steve: I had an experience at a meditation workshop in which I felt regal. It was a partial experience. Can you tell me what that part of me was I accessed. …
AAM: Your highest Self, your Oversoul.
Steve: So that was an experience of the Oversoul.
AAM: Yes. (Ibid., Sept. 13, 2011.)
AAM: The part that … many would call an oversoul [is the part] that would remain in the Source energy [that is, the higher-dimensional love such as the Ocean of Love I was in later, in March 2015]. (Ibid., Oct. 11, 2011.)
The Arcturians: Seventh [Dimension] is your oversoul. (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow though Sue Lie, March 17, 2013.)