Hours later, I continue to be in an expansion of consciousness. (1) I’m not going to call it “Ascension” because what do I know about Ascension?
At this moment? Probably nothing.
But it’s an unexpected and delightful expansion of consciousness. It’s pleasant and I don’t care what anyone calls it, really.
Expansive, relaxed, without a care. Buoyed up and optimistic, I feel very philosophical.
It happened in the bath. I had just finished listening to the Divine Mother’s channeling on Heavenly Blessings. After that, I was thinking about a beloved friend.
Before I was aware of it, I noticed that I felt this way (expanded). I didn’t see it coming. I only noticed it when it began to make itself felt.
I remember that, after the first expansion of consciousness, I had a meeting with a man and that meeting went fabulously.
Here again, I may have missed an appointment because I keep losing everyday awareness, but I’m OK with whatever results. I feel equanimous, balanced, centered.
The articles I post these days are all out of order because I keep having red-hot shares that push them back. I’m trashing more than a few, which no longer make sense after I burst through again to this space.
Nevertheless, in this space, the ideas for articles keep pouring out. I worry about tiring you.
All of this bears witness to the creative power of this space, call it what you will.
I feel cosmically complete and have nothing is holding me back at this moment. I could take off, stay another round, immerse myself, let myself go. I’m at choice.
I most probably will return to 3/4D consciousness by tomorrow. By now I shouldn’t have to say: “Permanence of experience comes only after Sahaja Samadhi, a little ways down the road.” You’ve heard it enough from me.
So this is the truth of the moment for me. Best before tomorrow.
(1) See “Love is My Very Being” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=266425.