A number of readers have written in and asked if we knew that Lady Gaga was a member of the Illuminati. (1)
I hadn’t heard the rumor – and I’m not saying she is – but it’s a matter of public record that other entertainment figures have been tortured, raped, abused, chipped, and in other ways mind-controlled from an early age. Says Henry Makow, who studied the Illuminati:
“I believe that X, Y, and others are being used by them to sing lyrics they like (ever notice that he wears a Neo-Nazi look and sings hate lyrics? This is NOT by chance). In fact, many of the top pop singers come from an internship with the ‘Mickey Mouse club’ (yep, good old Walt, the Illuminist’s Empire) and I believe they are offered stardom in exchange for allegiance or mind control. How many lyrics advocate suicide, violence, despair, or New Age spirituality in pop/rock today? Or just get a copy of the words and read (but be aware that many are possibly triggering to survivors of mind control).” (2)
Not sure what’s wrong with New Age spirituality and I don’t agree with everything Henry says. But he does shine the light on some pretty scarey things happening thanks to the Illuminati.
Lady Gaga focuses attention on campus date rape. She herself was raped by a record producer. (3) How is focusing on that subject possibly an Illuminati goal? In fact it’s a lightworker goal, as is focussing attention on sexual slavery, snuff flicks, pedophilia, and other Illuminati activities. Here’s Matthew Ward shining the light on these dark corners:
“In previous messages we have stated that the entertainment field has been an Illuminati stronghold because what they provide influences public opinions and actions. The prominence of crime, war and other violence in films and games is to inure society to those kinds of behavior and motivate unstable individuals to mimic it.
“The entertainment manipulators create ‘box office stars,’ put them on pedestals and reward them with exorbitant payment and various awards; that exalts a few souls above all others and widens the disparity between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ in your world. Reasoning minds see those negative effects as well as the positive inroads in the industry, but what is not in the public eye is the Illuminati’s darkest camp in the entertainment field—Satanism, sex slavery, pedophilia and pornography.
“All of those seen and unseen situations are devoid of light, and Earth has reached energy planes where everything in low vibratory levels is disintegrating. What has been going on back stage, so to say, is moving onto center stage where the play that’s unfolding can be viewed by the public.” (4)
The Illuminati hold on society in general is disintegrating. And as it does, those entertainment stars will awaken to what they’ve been promoting.
I’m not now and have never been afraid of the Illuminati. As I said in a number of articles, they know where to find me.
I’d be honored to join a long list of martyrs who defied the Illuminati: John Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr., inventor of the water car Stan Myers, whistleblower Billy Cooper, Meet the Press’s Tim Russert, Secretary of Defence James V. Forrestal – on and on we could go listing those who died for standing up to the Illuminati.
You know that this blog started out in reaction to my having awakened in 2007 to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job and going from there to studying all the crimes of the Illuminati. For the first few years I listed their crimes. (5) I discussed their attempts to start World War III, to hide out in deep underground military bunkers from the nuclear winter they’d create, to cripple the world with weather-warfare earthquakes and hurricanes, to control the economy through financial manipulation, and many other Illuminati plots to take over the world.
We publicized their well-orchestrated plan to float first the Cold War, then a war against terrorism, then conflict with rogue nations, and the scenarios continued. This plan was devised by the mid-1970s, as Carol Rosin testified to before the Disclosure Project’s news conference at the Washington Press Club on May 9, 2001. (6)
As long as I live (and I hope to live a long life), I’ll be a voice that opposes every hideous act they’ve concocted.
But I also extend a welcoming hand to anyone who has the courage to shake loose from their control and return to a Light-filled society.
Put yourself in the shoes of those stars who awaken to find what they’ve been involved in (again, not saying Lady Gaga was). It’s compassion we need rather than wanting to shun people who’ve been tortured, raped, and chipped.
When mind-controlled stars become aware of what’s happened to them – and many may be awakening under the influence of the rising energies – we need to be there to catch them, help them heal, and welcome them back to the fold.
And if Lady Gaga wants to join in the campaign to end gender persecution by singing about date rape, I welcome her help as one who also is working to end gender persecution globally
We took the video down in deference to people who said it represented women as helpless. But it’s available on Youtube. And anyone who cared to watch it saw it by now. (6)
In a second matter, I’ve been told that some of our photos and stories have been so graphic (such as the photo of the woman being stoned) that it has disturbed the reader for hours. In fact I’ve held back from posting almost all photos that would be too disturbing to readers. But, yes, that one is definitely disturbing.
That woman is about to die by stoning for something that, in the West, would not warrant a jail sentence. Would she like us to see her photo? Oh, I do believe she’d like us to see it more than anything in the world. “See what they’re doing to me?” I think she’d say. And we did see it.
So there has to be a balance between turning a blind eye and being shocked by what we’re being made aware of.
We’ll eventually have departments on the blog so that readers can choose what they want to read. But we don’t have the funds for that right now. What I’ll do is create a “Social Action” widget in the righthand sidebar and post stories that might shock readers there. That way those lightworkers who choose to work in social action, as I for one do, can have the news but without shocking other readers.
(1) A sample of this kind of allegation can be found here: https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1027823/16-celebs-supposedly-in-the-illuminati.
(2) Henry Makow, “Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy,” Rense.com, at https://www.rense.com/general30/illuminatidefector.htm.
(3) httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=873yNcaw0Ik and httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPWk7ud1Ng4.
(4) Matthew Ward’s Message, as received by Suzy Ward, January 11, 2015, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/january-11-2015/
(5) At httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmWBrN7QV6Y.
(6) See for Instance, “I Accuse” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/23/i-accuse-2008/ or “The Black Hats Must Go” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/nwo-essays/the-black-hats-must-g/.