I asked the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie back in 2013 to explain to me why so many spiritual masters land up in bed with their students.
The discussion that ensued went far past the limits of that question and centered on how universal love works to lift us out of lower dimensionality.
As the vibrations continue to increase this month, this discussion seemed particularly relevant to post.
SB All right, could we go back to that? I wonder why so many teachers or beings have become enlightened, at least to seventh chakra level, what we call Brahmajnana [seventh-chakra enlightenment], and yet have behaved so poorly, especially in the area of sexuality. But with money as well.
I thought to myself that our vasanas [archaic negative energy patterns derived from earlier traumatic incidents] survive and survive until 5th dimensional reality and Sahaja Samadhi. Even if that explanation is correct, which I hope you will comment on, it still doesn’t help. How can I avoid perpetrating or misbehaving if enlightenment itself does not remove those vasanas?
A As long as you are wearing a physical form there will be certain neuropathways that will become activated. And certain lower emotions, sensations and desires that will move into your consciousness. That is the great challenge. …
SB But the question remains: what to do about that? Could you advise me on that please?
A The challenge is really one of unconditional love. And in order to give unconditional love to the beings and the planet that you have come to serve, you have to give unconditional love to yourself. And in order to give unconditional love to yourself, you will have to do, feel, think or be something that it is difficult to love unconditionally. Are you with us? …
Unconditional love means that you love a being’s darkness as much as you love their Light. You love their confusion as much as you love their illumination. And in order to give unconditional love away, you must have it within your consciousness. You must hold it for yourself. However, unconditional love does not even adhere to the frequency of an earth vessel, does it?
Therefore, the earth vessel needs to be allowed to do what it does. And what the earth vessel does is it expresses its polarity. And as the frequency emanation within that earth vessel expands the frequency of the earth vessel into a resonance that is immensely uncomfortable but only on the edge of transmutation, for it is not yet your time to leave.
Therefore you will come to the point of transmutation into Light Body and you will stop because it is not your time. You have not yet fulfilled that which you came to do. You understand that, do you not?
Therefore you have put your physical body into quite a spin. For within the physical world, what goes up comes down. Does it not? And so when you go down you are going to go down into your own darkness, are you not? And when you go into your darkness, you have the wonderful opportunity to unconditionally love yourself.
And when you unconditionally love yourself, then you can unconditionally love everyone.
SB Can you help me understand why, given what you just said, these enlightened masters go off into behavior that’s not acceptable publicly?
A They do not remember to love themselves unconditionally. And the unconditional love is the healing force of the multiverse. When you love yourself unconditionally, the molecules of unconditional love, which are the highest frequency of Light, move into the psychic scar tissue of your lower fourth-dimensional areas that are holding the scar of being stretched beyond that which it can contain.
And that scar becomes presented into the third-dimensional world as a behavior, as a thought, as an action, and as you know from one who has experienced the glory of the kundalini, (1) the energy is very sexual, is it not?
One, who has felt the full flow of kundalini, so that the alpha and omega can blur into the oneness, (2) can fall down and not be able to use this beautiful opportunity to practice unconditional love.
The unconditional love will move into the scar tissue of the aura, into the scar tissue of the etheric body, into the scar tissue of the chakras, into the scar tissue of the habitual habits of behavior. And it will replace those third-dimensional wounds with as high a frequency of Light as that body can tolerate. For unconditional love is the bonding force.
It can take the scar and close the wound and this must happen many times for the physical body is very dense and of a very, very low frequency. Therefore there has to be an ongoing repetitive process of moving up and falling down, and unconditionally loving, and healing the part that was wounded. And so that with each repetition of the unconditional loving of the healing the body gradually adapts to higher and higher frequencies of Light.
In the same manner, you are also downloading the higher frequencies of light. And the higher frequencies of light as you know are activating the DNA that was shut off from the Annanuki and that was shut off after Atlantis, for we realized that that much power would be very dangerous in the frequency to which your Gaia had fallen.
And so that ability had to be lost and now it is being regained by us that have taken the form and because we are able to detach from the form, because we are able to feel the bliss on the other end of the spectrum, we have the power to go through this immensely painful process of wounding, healing, wounding, healing, wounding, healing, adapting, adapting, falling, forgiving, falling, forgiving, falling, forgiving.
In fact the wounding is not the greatest challenge for our grounded ones. The greatest challenge is the forgiving. The forgiving of the behavior.
But you see in forgiving of the behavior of the body that you are wearing – does that not teach the one who is wearing that body to release any remnants of arrogance that might have adhered to the higher state of consciousness?
SB. This process of forgiving, wounding, forgiving, and wounding – I’ve been through that in enlightenment intensives. In fact going to enlightenment intensive is a voluntary acceptance of that process. I know what you are speaking about there. I have said in the past that it is bliss that heals the scars rather than love. Am I incorrect in that?
A Unconditional love and bliss are absolutely the same. Unconditional love is the mental condition of the matrices that arise from the frequencies of unconditional love. Bliss and euphoria is the sensation of the clairsentience that fills the matrix to create. They are the same. There is no difference.
It is only within third-dimensional thinking that thoughts and emotions are separate. Thoughts and emotions are not separate. Thoughts and emotions are the same. Thoughts and emotions are creativity in motion. The thought is the matrix; the emotion is that which fills the matrix. But they are one. With the thought of believing that you and all of our brave ones who have entered a form at this time believing and knowing with every shred of your consciousness that you are Arcturian, you have just released the greatest trap of the third dimension – and that is the trap of forgetfulness.
It is the forgetfulness that traps those that have achieved great states of consciousness for they forget that they are not their body. They forget that they are wearing their body and then they begin to think that they are their body. And then they start listening to the primal urges of their body – the guilt, the fear, the anger and of course the most primitive and the most basic is the urge for procreation, sexuality. (3)
(1) I have experienced the rising of the kundalini and, yes, it’s very sexual. The kundalini shot up my spine like a donut and out my crown chakra. It did not result in enlightenment but was quiet an experience nonetheless.
(2) They could be meaning Brahmajnana, God-Realization, seventh-chakra enlightenment or they could be pointing to a higher level, such as Sahaja Samadhi.
(3) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, March 16, 2013.