Sahaja Comes Later
In 2013 Archangel Michael told me that lightworkers were already Fifth Dimensional. I confess I have no evidence of it.
I asked him how that could be if we were not in Sahaja. This was the first discussion in which he distinguished the subplanes of the Fifth Dimension and the fact that Sahaja did not occur as soon as we entered the first subplane of the Fifth Dimension, which I call the “vestibule.”
Steve Beckow: Well, Lord, how could I be Fifth Dimensional and not have had Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi?
Archangel Michael: You are looking to the Fifth Dimension as simply being one place or another….
As I have said there are many levels to each dimension, and it is impossible really for you – and when we say you we mean you personally and also all of humanity – to be anywhere else at this time other than the Fifth Dimension.
So you are in preparation for your opening for your bliss. …
As you know what you are doing is becoming the fully awakened, aware and integrated wholeness of your being. (1)
The Divine Mother also described Ascension for us and confirmed that Sahaja Samadhi comes later, some time after our initial Ascension or ignition.
Steve Beckow: Can you talk a little bit more about the sudden aspect of Ascension, please?
Divine Mother: [Ascension] is that feeling — well, it is more than a feeling; it is a knowing. It is ignition — it is that feeling that you have been switched on to a different frequency, and it happens suddenly. …
SB: But that is not Sahaja Samadhi, Mother, is it? When does Sahaja Samadhi occur?
DM: It occurs with a more gradual awakening and lifting up. So there is the abrupt “I am not the same,” then there is the working and the anchoring, the integration, then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And then you will be there.
SB: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes?
DM: You can think of it as sub-planes, dimensional sub-planes, yes. (2)
So there may be people who believe that upon ignition and entry into the Fifth Dimension, we’ll have escaped from the wheel of birth and death, be liberated, etc.
Well, no, just as, on the other side of life, true residence in the Mental Plane (the equivalent of the Fifth Dimension) does not come upon immediate entry into the first subplane, so here true residence (with the advent of Sahaja Samadhi) in the Fifth does not come until one or more subplanes into it.
After Ascension
Now if we shift out focus to after Ascension, apparently we’ll need time to orient, assimilate and integrate. For one thing, we’ll feel so vibrant that we may overlook the physical body’s continuing need for at least a modicum of rest and sleep.
Archangel Michael: It is important to take the time to adjust yourself, to get used to a different sense of being. And then to be refreshed.
Now, I have to tell you, and, yes, you can share this with your readers as well, the sense of physicality and being in the physical body, when you are in the Fifth Dimension, is very different insofar as so many of you have been exhausted. And it is because you have been getting used to holding these vibrations and frequencies. …
But when you are in the Fifth, you will feel… so full of vibrant energy. You will feel that you could go for days without sleeping, and just go on sheer energy.
There will be a greater sense of well-being, that your body is humming. Every person is progressing at a different rate. This is an individual process. But the general statement is your organs, your brain, your functions, your bodily functions, your circulation begin to function in alignment with the perfection of your design.
Now, if you were to take [the chemical] Speed, you would think, “Oh, I can go for days, and I don’t need to sleep.”
What we are offering is brotherly advice. When we said you need a holiday, we meant it. So take time to sleep, to rest, because what you also will experience in a rest state and in dream state is very conscious sleeping and expansion and what we would call exaltation.
So don’t skip sleep. As your body is adjusting, even though you think you are in the fifth, you are home, your new home, and you can go forever, be gentle with your bodies.
So take time to rest. Take time to lie — yes, even at this time – bring a blanket, lie on the beach, stare at the stars, feel the sun on your face and the magnificence of the blue sky. (4)
(Concluded in Part 3.)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 16, 2013. Used with permission.
(2) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 18, 2012.
(4) Loc. cit.