I asked Archangel Michael, as I do so often, what he wanted me to write on during these next three weeks. His discussion of the topic of choice was so interesting, and just keeps rattling around in my head so much, that I wanted to share the discussion as a whole.
He’s pointing to choice having a much deeper significance than we usually give it. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
AAM: Part of the joy [of being human], and maybe one of the things that you would like to explore, is this issue of choice.
This whole realm of free will and why in a situation that is completely designed for the fulfillment of the Mother’s desires, we are given such a myriad of choices?
Explore choices that you have made, that you have observed others make, [that are in reality] monumental human choices, that result in tremendous expansion or tremendous devastation.
What is it about choice that is, from your perspective, not only so human, but so divine? The fact that you have choice is an expression of divine trust in your sacred being. It is a knowing not only of who you are, but of your capacity to create infinite mayhem and infinite bliss.
Steve: There’s only so much I can explore. I don’t have time to read books. I don’t have time to watch too many videos. I don’t have time to listen to audio tapes. So it’s not as if I’m going to engage in the kind of research program that I did many years ago.
AAM: I do not want you to engage in a research program.
Steve: Well, then, can you paint a picture for me of what the writing might look like?
AAM: Go within your heart, always with your brilliant mind, and think and explore.
Just look at the last two years at the realm of choices that you have made that you have observed others make. But better to make it yourself, with input from others if you wish, and the impact, the wisdom that has been gleaned from those choices, whether you thought they were perfect choices or perhaps missed choices.
This is where the human frailty comes in, because so often the human experience is obsessed with, “Oh my, I’ve made a mistake and I will beat myself up for the next 10 years because of that.”
And then they forget, or they overlook, what they think is an insignificant choice that in fact is the determinant of their entire life direction.
You have always maintained your choice of the platform and the blog. …
Now you don’t tend to think of that as a choice because you feel well, “Well I made that choice years ago.” But, my brother, you make that choice every day.
It is a choice when someone approaches you and says, “Do you wish to collaborate?” It speaks to your very soul and there are collaborations that have gone awry and collaborations that can be so deeply enriching that you think you’re in heaven.
So use your own realm of experience to answer: What is it about this divine gift of free will, of choice that makes us not just human, but divine?
If there was no trust, no faith, no acknowledgement of your divinity and capacity to choose love, would the Mother have chosen to create a race with free choice? We think not.
So regardless of all the scenic detours that human beings love to take, there is a knowing of the Mother’s plan and a knowing in her heart of your true choice to engage in love and in service to her. (Archangel Michael to Steve Beckow in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, Aug. 21, 2015. Used with permission.)