As I watch myself make forays into the area of leadership, I sometimes find myself in a situation where, if I allow myself to have a preference, I’m going to make a gaffe.
If I get bored with something being said, underneath that boredom lies a preference. If I assert the preference, I may seriously wound the other person (and many times have).
A pre-existing desire of any sort will bias the listening and the response to what has (or has not) been heard. A biased response is not helpful and a leader is there to help.
If I have no preference, listening is as acceptable as not. This is what’s happening in this moment. And this moment. There’s no resistance to what’s being said.
I have to listen to my partner with no preference if I’m going to be a leader. Those who listen through the filter of their preferences still have their attention on themselves.
If we have no preferences, if we have no pre-existing desires, then what I’ve noticed is that we tend to return to the center, the heart, the ground of our being. The center is a place marked by no desires.
No worldly desires, that is. Remaining in the center is not adversely affected by the desire for God. That draws a person in; worldly desires draw a person out.
This is just an observation. I’m not claiming realized knowledge or proficiency in remaining in the center myself.
But, as far as I can see, the centerpoint is everything. Whether we view it as grounding, balancing, anchoring, or abiding in the heart, therein lies the treasure buried in a field, the pearl of great price and the mustard seed that grew into a great tree. (1)
When that center, the heart, is open, out flows what I call “transformative love” and “conscious awareness” and what Archangel Michael, combining the two, called “heart consciousness.”
Whatever helps us get there, remain there and never abandon it is what I want to know about. The deeper we can fall into that center, the closer we come to utterly disappearing as this and finally arising as That.
(1) The Self. Realized at deeper and deeper levels, the Self is finally unconcealed as the One.