This is a time that’s rich in experience for me. I’ve come alive to love, gradually as Archangel Michael predicted, but steadily.
It’s so rich in experience that I don’t have the opportunity to convey a lot of it. I now spend probably two hours a night in bed just reflecting. An element of what a friend used to call cave time is becoming a necessity for me these days.
It hasn’t reached the point of meditation yet, but I can see it’s pointing in that direction.
I also notice that I remain stubbornly alive these days, day in and day out, to whatever the thread is of what’s happening for me.
At a feeling level, I feel my attention constantly drawn to whatever the puzzle of the moment is, the thing that I’m learning. It’s like a focused mind, a laser mind.
I don’t take a break. I don’t hoist a beer. I don’t shoot pool. I remain in contact and in touch with the moving picture of my present-minded experience. I remain present.
You might laugh and say “Remain present to what?” Just to whatever may arise in this moment.
The greatest gift I can make to the world is to bring myself to any one situation, to be present at any one moment.
If all of us were doing that, that would be a conscious world. Isn’t it interesting that we probably could not say of ourselves that we’re a conscious world yet?
Consciousness raising, I think, is soon to become the business of all of us. I think it was Sheldan’s sources who said recently that a lot will be expected of us in communicating calmly and reasonably to the masses as they awaken to what’s happening. They’ll want to hear it from terrestrials and we are they. The ground crew.
That calls for consciousness. Hence our business will fast become about raising consciousness, I’m willing to bet – as high as we can raise it. And harmlessly. Ahimsa (harmlessness, peace) before sathya (truth) for warlike human beings who kill each other over “the truth.”
From a world that’s conscious comes a world that communicates. From a world that communicates comes a world that loves. From a world that loves comes a world that works.
Happy Fourth of July to our American readers.