Welcome to the next phase of your ascension journey!
As you continue to align yourself energetically to this journey through the New Earth paradigm shift, you may be experiencing several symptoms beyond the physical. In a previous article published here, I discussed the various physical symptoms that may be occurring for you as you ascend your multidimensional light bodies.
These physical symptoms include weight gain, water retention, bloating, and/or digestive issues which occur as your energy field undergoes a temporary, internal audit and overhaul of sorts. The physical body needs to purge ‘toxins’ in their many forms, while also strengthening all bio-ethereal systems in order to have the capacity to sustain a higher light frequency (also known as raising your vibration).
Each time the body undergoes an ascension period, all systems of the body must re-calibrate to ensure that is has the strength and expansion capabilities required to hold higher vibrational frequencies. You may have been seeking assistance in addressing these since we are trained to treat what is “wrong” with us. It is likely that you have not seen significant improvement with these symptoms despite your efforts to treat them. The reason for this is that focusing on what is “wrong” with you is counter-intuitive to the purpose of ascension.
The ascension process is intended to be a sacred, enlightening, expansive joyful return to the love and light frequencies of our creation story and the purity of our divine spark. As we ascend, the purpose is to focus our attention on celebrating the release of what no longer serves us, rather than focusing our attention on “fixing” what is, in actuality, a natural process. Our intentions are very powerful, thus our attention becomes our intention! If it is your intention to “fix” yourself, you will consistently manifest conditions on a subconscious level that need your attention.
Alternately, if you focus your intention upon what is “right” with you, you will continue to call those manifestations to your attention. I invite you to consider focusing your attention upon the magic of the ascension process rather than the temporary symptoms that often accompany this divine journey. Imagine the infinite changes that may occur as a result!
In essence, these symptoms are awards of merit for your noble and committed attempts to evolve your soul into a fully conscious being of light and love. The symptoms are merely a marker for your progress. So, how do you know if you are in the midst of ascension symptoms?
Aside from the symptoms mentioned above, you may also notice one or more of the following:
a) difficulty in sensing time, aligning to time, and following time, with an increased resistance to live on a schedule and an increased desire to live more freely and in the moment;
b) time seems to change more quickly therefore your interests change frequently to align with what seems to resonate from day to day;
c) feeling disconnected from family and friends, and feeling a sense of not belonging in other relationships and even within the human race;
d) experiencing a loss of interest in spiritual and healing endeavours;
e) a sense of losing your identity, not knowing who you are, feeling like you’re watching a movie and everything around you is unfamiliar;
f) an innate desire to lose attachments to three-dimensional issues so that you are empowered to be a more objective observer of the “cosmic play” with Mother Earth as the stage;
g) rapid release of that which no longer serves you by way of the “universal two-by-four” so that you may make room for the divine order of the paradigm shift and your divine mission. It may feel dramatic, or even traumatic in the initial stages, but it will get better. This is a natural stage in everyone’s ascension journey;
h) feeling more sensitive to things occurring in your outer world (i.e. chaos in relationships, world events, natural disasters) and less tolerance for human-made items (i.e. cell phones, television, preservatives, computers, etc);
i) indecision, loss of clarity and focus;
j) having a strong desire for simplicity, peace, harmony and balance;
k) experiencing accelerated manifestation and synchronicity in your life;
l) feeling much more in-tune and impacted by planetary shifts, such as retrogrades and transits, as we align to the flow of the photon energies currently expanding in our galaxy.
The three dimensional ways of existence are very dense for our light bodies and through our ascension journeys we are rapidly re-membering our creative potential as divine seeds of creation. We are remembering the flow and ease of existence as a divine spark of love and light where communication was beyond the limitation of human words, where soul travel was beyond time and space, and where it was possible to consciously and intentionally exist in more than one dimension simultaneously and with joy and ease.
The ascension journey allows us to re-member the truth of who we really are through the release of all illusions that limit us from being the fullest expression of love, light and creation. As these veils of illusion are being lifted, it is only natural that we experience temporary discomfort as we release our old, out-dated comfort zone for one that embodies the most joyous path.
Please remember that what we resist persists, so I invite you to welcome the whole ascension process and notice the changes in your ascension symptoms as a result. Embracing these symptoms will allow you to live the most joyous, loving, harmonious, effortless path as the beautiful seed of creative power that you are and have always been!
“The Next Phase Of Your Soul’s Ascension Journey” by Jennifer Longmore, not dated, at https://www.souljourneys.ca/the-next-phase-of-your-souls-ascension-journey/
Original link: The Next Phase Of Your Soul’s Ascension Journey