Folks, I need to mention a change in the blog. I’ve made an executive decision that we’ll no longer be covering the news of the world. (1) Why have I decided that?
(1) Even the best among the “insider” news reporters and commentators appear to “get it wrong” a significant amount of the time when compared to what Matthew Ward, SaLuSa or Archangel Michael say. There’s very little way to substantiate what they say except to compare it to celestial, galactic and ascended-master sources. But the channeled messages usually come out significantly after an event and news reporting usually takes place as close to the event as possible.
Therefore, working with hopefully-credible media sources and even insiders, we have no idea if what we’re presenting to you close to the event is going to enlighten the situation or simply add another layer of misinfo and disinfo.
(2) Everyone on deck is busy, busy, busy and there really is no one to do the in-depth, background research that allows for intelligent reporting and commentary on the news.
(3) Other sources do it better (Kabuki, Kauila, Cobra, David W.).
The chief focus of this blog is (1) to provide you with the celestial, galactic and ascended-master sources which most other blogs don’t present, present far less than we do, or even look down on, and (2) to comment on it. There are other focuses: Graham is unfolding the world of consciousness-raising and human-potential for you and (2) some of us are commenting on financial wayshowing, the Ascension process as it unfolds, etc.
Even in posting channeled messages, we try to be as judicious as possible. Linda Dillon, Marlene Swetlishoff, Suzanne Lie, Marilyn Raffaele, Mike Quinsey, Natalie Glasson, etc., are proven channels. If I had the time to put their quotes in the wiki, which I don’t any more, then that databank of information ( is certainly what I’d use to interpret the news, not the mainstream media, which, more often than we like, is what we’re forced back on when we report the world news.
If you’re looking for one-stop shopping for world news, I personally tend to go to Maybe I’m being sentimental, but I’ve always looked to the BBC for the best news and I still hope and pray that they deliver it unless they too are either leaned on politically or are fed disinformation themselves. But they’re the best of the bad (the cabal-infiltrated, that is; sorry, BBC. And, yes, I remember Building 7 and the BBC’s misreporting of it.)
I do apologize that we must let the world news go for now. Later, when we have the funds to afford a news staff and the news becomes more truthful and authentic, we’ll take it up again. But until that times arrives, we’ll need to concentrate on what we do best.
(1) Alex will continue with her weekly “Feel Good News.” That is definitely an alternative and an antidote to the rest.