The Vision Alignment Project
We see a world where groups and circles of people gather together regularly to support one another in the manifestation of whatever their individual dreams are; where people easily align with each other because everyone wants only for the highest good of all and everyone else; and where the people are socializing, sharing food, playing, and having fun when they come together.
We see communities popping up everywhere with high creative ideals; where new ideas, inventions, arts, handicrafts, technological and recreational projects abound; and where the people are loving what they do because they are doing what they love.
And we see communities frequently devoting time together for the sacred aspects of life; where they remember to create a spiritual environment that makes it easy for everyone in the community to experience Oneness.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by clicking the “YES!” Button below..
The more people who join us in aligning with our visions
The quicker they will become a reality for all of us.
We intend over one million alignments!
For the highest good of the Universe,
Mother Earth, Ourselves, and Everyone Everywhere.