At the Lake Tahoe Conference, Janine from San Diego said that her relationship with her husband was successful because she treated him like a king and he treated her like a queen.
That comment so affected me that I felt the need to go down to San Diego and meet Janine and Gavin. That was the birth of the West Coast Express and seeing them alone was worth the trip (thank you for funding it).
Her comment still rattles away in the black box that sits on my shoulders. Like a time bomb or celestial download, it just chose its time to go off.
I already know that we’re all rulers over our own domain – that domain is an energy field with countless bodies. (1)
The Source extends to us complete free will over ourselves, not over others. Our domain is limited but supreme. We actually are monarchs in our own realm – completely powerful over ourselves.
This line of inquiry arose when I was walking in the natural space and crossing paths with people. I asked myself how should I treat them so as to cause the least disturbance and the most benefit. Back came the answer: Treat everyone like a king or queen.
To treat every person as a king or queen – what a challenge! Without bowing and scraping. Without selling myself short. I’m not sure I have what it takes to live up to that standard.
What a wonderful standard to observe. I’m fairly sure that Fifth-Dimensional beings operate that way.
How does one treat a monarch? Usually with deference. People make way for a monarch. Make way for everyone? What a discipline.
Behaving that way is definitely useful in these times of transition where there’s so much opportunity for the train to go off the rails.
I too am a sovereign being. Not saying I’m not. So are we all. All of us are monarchs in our own realms.
Can I really live up to that standard?
(1) “Monarchs in Our Own Domain,” at and “What Do I Bring to the Work of Creating Nova Earth?” at