1. ( 01:01 ) Precipice of Change: Towards a New Global Financial Paradigm.
2. ( 10:54 ) Chris Hedges: ‘The Global Capitalist Model Is Collapsing.’
3. ( 18:30 ) Elections in Poland and Spain.
4. ( 23:00 ) Canada Betrays the World for Israel.
5. ( 27:39 ) Sinking of a Superpower: William Engdahl Describes Russia’s Role in Taming Global Banking Cabal.
6. ( 40:30 ) Max Keiser: Fiat Currencies, Derivatives Bubbles and Political Chickens.
Listen: https://inlightuniversal.com/cosmic-vision-news-2015-05-29/
View Full Show Summary with Links: https://www.cosmicvisionnews.com/blog/item/182-cvn-29may15
7. ( 48:57 ) FIFA Scandal: Genuine House-Clearing or Whistleblowers Hung out to Dry?
8. ( 54:59 ) Ten Examples of Global Change in Progress.
9. ( 62:00 ) Virtual Reality: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
10. ( 70:54) Benefits of Aloe Vera.
11. ( 74:15 ) FYI: Alice Coppers – pH and the Body Continued.
12. ( 87:02 ) Announcement.
13. ( 89:57 ) Final Words: ‘A Million Voices.’