The Bigger Picture
Being armed with the knowledge that our beautiful Gaia’s natural systems are in trouble by the hands of humans is not enough. We must engage with passion in our hearts to make meaningful transformations and recognize that we are equal partners, as well as co-creators with all that exists.
Our universe is evolving materially and spiritually, so our choice is to either separate ourselves from it, or create a more heartfelt relationship that works in harmony with nature. With our belief in science, we have asserted our independence from nature to our own detriment. Our approach of exploitation of nature has become unbalanced.
A new mature relationship with our planet and its systems must be developed by recognizing that we are an integral part of the universe. The nature of human consciousness must change and evolve to reflect the interconnection of all things. As living beings, we are all one; so through love and compassion we can promote the development of co-operation for a mutually-beneficial relationship with all life.
Indigenous spiritual traditions have pointed to the web of life, through which everything is alive with spirit. In order to inspire humans to live in harmony, to respect the sacredness of nature, biology/science as well as religion/beliefs, must come together and harmonize as one. Over time we can change our world view to heal our beloved Gaia and all that she nurtures upon her.
Bigger Than Science, Bigger Than Religion, By Richard Schiffman, Yes Magazine
Meditation Is for Kids
For those who have practiced mediation, the amazing benefits of emotional and mental well-being are widely known. So why not teach our children this practice? In San Francisco, a pioneering program was implemented to help troubled teens by giving them an opportunity to practice Transcendental Meditation. The amazing results speak for itself. After four years, there was a 79% decrease in suspensions, a 98% increase in attendance, and an increase in student’s GPA. What a great, simple way to empower our future leaders by giving them the tools to create peacefulness, happiness, and a sense of well-being.
Love Is in the Earth
Open your mind and listen carefully with your heart to the light and vibrations of crystals. Are you receptive to the subtle electromagnetic vibrations of crystals? Are they telling you something about you and your relationship to the universe around you? Listen in stillness as they speak to your spirit and gift you with a deeper perspective. Try to tune in with your intuition, as each stone/crystal resonates it’s different frequencies of love, healing, and harmony. Keep them near you where you can honor them by placing them under your pillow, wear them, keep them in your car, grid your house and gift them them to others.
Crystals emit a balanced and ordered structure whose energy is in harmony with Gaia, making them indispensable for use in our everyday technology. The subtle electromagnetic energies of crystals interact with our own energy field. By aligning to these vibrations crystals can stimulate shifts in our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Crystals are more than just rocks, they are gifts of love from the earth.
Top 10 Ways to Build Relationships with your Crystals, By Laura Weber, Spirit Science
Recommended books for further research:
Love Is in the Earth – A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, by Melody
The Crystalline Transmission – A Synthesis of Light, by Katrina Raphaell
The Book Of Stones – Who They Are & What They Teach, by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Well, it is my hope that I have provided some food for thought this week on the bigger picture of the world that surrounds us all. It is amazing to see how small changes can create a world that works. I feel that by centering our focus on others in the spirit of goodwill, respect, and harmony, many positive changes will come to light.
With much light and joy,