Given that Linda is hosting a Core Issues Webinar and core issues result in muscular holding patterns that lower our awareness, let me reprint a discussion I had with the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel on how bodily density impedes the flow of the higher-vibrational feelings.
This is not the kind of density I’ve been discussing relative to the General. (1) That’s an etheric density. And this is density of musclulature, often called “holding patterns.”
Steve Beckow: Can you tell us how is it that density impedes love, light, and consciousness? We could take the example of our dense, Third-Dimensional bodies that we are leaving. What is the process whereby their density impedes love?
Divine Mother: Density is a term, and I will not go into physics, quantum or otherwise. …
What is density? It is mass. It is what you think of as heavy matter. But it is not real. This is yet another one of the human illusions.
So you say, and I’m not suggesting you are not speaking truth, but truth as you’ve known it existing. And it is with great glee that I suggest this to you: Density of the human form is caused by unloving emotions.
Now let me clarify one more time. It means emotions that are trying to ignore, forget, or shove out the love – unloving emotions, self destructive emotions. You can equate density equals destruction, self-destruction, collective destruction.
The only time that density – and we use this in a very different reality, and yes, I will get into the physics then because it is a quantum formula whereby energy can assume form. The energy particles that make you up are not dense. They are as light as air. They are as sheer as clear water, as clean air.
So density is unloving emotion – petulant, self-destructive, heavy, hateful thoughts. And the most self-destructive, in terms of density, which then of course creates collective destruction, is the self-loathing, the self-hatred, because that is when you are trying to push me out.
And then what it does is it absorbs. It absorbs into the physical form so that you do not feel a lightness of body, you do not feel a lightness of intellect, and you do not feel a lightness of heart or emotion. And eventually what occurs is that you do not feel. And that is very sad. And that is what you are correcting in this Ascension process. So the density is dissolved.
Now here comes the multipurpose love. That density is dissolved by love. It is dissolved by choice. It is dissolved by decision. It is dissolved by joy.
When you are in joy, when you are in love, when you are in purity, even if you are in the proper application and holding of compassion, there is no density – there cannot be in that purity. Density is one of the creations of the humans to control – it is a complete illusion. And it takes this mental and emotional, and it will exhibit as disease and challenge, and institutions that are dense or nations that are dense, or practices that are dense.
So what do you do? I offer you a very simple solution. Just turn up the love. Turn to me. If you say, “Mother I am not sure if I know how to do that. I am not sure how to activate all these DNA bundles. I am not sure how to activate all my DNA markers. And I do not have twelve weeks with you to take this class.
So what I say to you is simply, ‘Mother, turn up the gas.’ Can that be simpler? (2)
All channeled material from Linda Dillon is copyright by the Council of Love, Inc., 2015, and is used with permission.
(1) See “The Hardest Battles,” April 21, 2015 at and “To the New Guest at the Table,” April 22, 2015, at
(2) “Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at