Happy Sunday, dear friends. Something miraculous happened this week on Paumanok, also known as Long Island, NY. There was an outbreak of rainbows!
True, we had rain storms roll through in quick succession, and as they say, after the rain, always look for a rainbow, but this was amazing.
In one location on the North Shore, there was an extremely rare quadruple rainbow. Photos of this phenomenon were spread all over the news and social media, and it was indeed a sight.
On the same day, my dear husband was going to the rail road at 6:30am and saw a full arch rainbow with an attached vertical rainbow column, so it almost looked like a spread out small letter “n” in the sky.
That evening, as I was driving home with my daughter from the theater that I webmaster for, it was pouring with rain. Then the clouds parted for a moment and we saw the most beautiful purple, blue and gold sunset.
I said out loud to my daughter, “As I look at nature’s beauty, it seems as if more beauty presents itself to us! Now look for the rainbow!”
We rolled into the parking lot of the grocery store to see people lined up inside the store looking out the window, and many folks were gathered on the side walk as well. We looked up and there in the sky was a full double rainbow! We were giddy with delight.
Now, of course that was fun, but we also realized that it was Earth Day, and nature seemed to be reminding us of her beauty so we could fall even more deeply in love with her.
This deep heart connection with the earth will only serve to foster a more devoted stewardship as we move into the future, and I am so blessed to witness this devotion talking hold in all our hearts!
World Happiness Report?
Yes. There really is a World Happiness Report, and it is commissioned by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Happiness is a key factor in the sustainable equation and is a strong indicator of the economic strength and growth of a nation.
The first World Happiness Report was issued in 2012 ahead of a large United Nations conference on Happiness. Sustainability proponents believe that the goal of any society should be the inherent happiness of its citizens.
Most folks will also be of the mind that many countries have gone significantly off track when it relates to the happiness of their citizens.
This report investigates key factors for happiness in 158 nations and shows a stark disparity between the stereotypical hype about a country, such as the “American Dream,” and the actual happiness of citizens. The US is actually ranked 93 in happiness, so the proof definitely isn’t in the pudding.
What I love though is that these discussions are being had and the research is being done. It means that sustainability isn’t just about the economy and growth as measures of a society’s success, but that inherent happiness is a goal that should be built into all sustainable projects going forward.
This building in of happiness is certainly one of the corner stones of creating a world that works for everyone.
I would also note that I have been to 2 of the top five countries on the list. Both Switzerland and Canada possess such innate beauty that it is not a surprise to me that the folks who live there would be happy. Citizens that I have met in both nations were very kind as well, and so in that sense, this report is no surprise to me!
World Happiness Report 2015 ranks happiest countries on Science Daily
Helping special needs kids feel like superheroes.
Renee Bergeron’s little girl was born with a congenital defect that required multiple surgeries and physical limitations. She wanted her little girl to still feel powerful and strong, and so she dressed her up as a super hero and showed her the pictures.
This devoted mom then posted the pictures on her blog. Parents of other special needs kids went wild for it, and so the Superhero Project was born. Renee takes pictures of special needs kids and posts them to the project to share with everyone so folks can see how wonderful these kids are.
The love and happiness radiates through each and every picture, and I was overwhelmed with the compassion and kindness that each and every person should feel in life, no matter what their limitations or strengths. Kudo’s to you Renee for your love and your art.
The Superhero Project by Renee Bergeron on The Little Earthlings Blog
A perfect match for a little girl and a dog.
Sapphyre Johnson is three years old and a happy little toddler. When she was one, she lost both her feet. She learned to walk with prosthetics and acts like a regular little girl.
Recently, dog breeder Karen Riddle had a new litter of German Shepherd pups and one was born without a paw. Many folks told her to euthanize the dog, but she set out to find Lieutenant Dan a home with either a wounded veteran or a special needs child.
With the help of Shriner’s Hospital, Lieutenant Dan and Sapphyre are a perfect match. Many children never get to see others with the disabilities they have, and seeing an animal or human with disabilities helps kids feel like they are not the only ones.
So now Sapphyre has a new best friend that is just like her, and I am sure they will spend many wonderful years together doing what a girl and her dog do best, loving each other!
Toddler Without Feet Gets Puppy Without Paw by Kristy Cooper for Good News Network
102 year old dancer gets to see herself dance as a young girl.
This video is astounding. In an age where many old people feel marginalized and society is rife with ageism, this video shares the value of a beautiful woman, not only through what she accomplished in her youth, but her poise, wisdom and power as an elder.
I wanted to hug the folks from Jazz on Film who arranged for Alice Barker to be able to see film of herself, as a youth, professionally dancing during the Harlem Renaissance period of the 1930’s.
Their kindness and understanding that this was important for her, shine right through, and you can also tell that they understand her innate value in both an historical and personal sense.
I also wanted to hug this amazing black woman, who was a powerful artist and self-supporter in a time of great oppression both gender-wise and racially. She was a forerunner of the powerful women who are finding their strength in our world today, and I honor her deeply.
And finally…
Joy in a teacup for nursing home residents.
This news story and video made my heart sing. When my granny was in a nursing home I would bring in my parrots to visit her and the rest of the residents, and they completely loved it.
This little teacup yorkie takes visiting to a whole new level. Nala is the angel of the nursing home and the joy she brings to so many residents really brings to light the loving relationships that animals can foster with almost anyone. Their hearts are wide open, and all it takes is a willing recipient to be sprinkled with their love!
This teacup poodle rides elevators to visit friends by Boyd Huppert for USA Today Inspiration Nation
That’s the good news for today. Have an awesome day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.
Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!