Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Suzanne Maresca Host, InLight Universal
Suzanne Maresca: We are continuing our series featuring Native American Indian Chiefs and our guest today is Geronimo of the Apache tribe. I can’t imagine a more appropriate group to speak to the importance of community and connection with our Earth Mother than tribal elders, and we are certainly at a point in our evolution where it’s finally dawning on us that joining together is the key to our Ascension.
Well, there’s been a lot going on with the InLight team of late and we are happy to announce the launch of our new radio platform, InLight Universal. Our first broadcast will be on January 22nd, airing An Hour with an Angel, the very first show that InLight Radio ever made. This is very exciting for all of us here on the InLight team because it means we can bring you more of what we have to share. It’s more personable and accessible, and best of all it’s better aligned with our mission and purpose and with better sound quality. The website with all of our shows is and we also have a Facebook page you could follow us on. So onward and upward always, and my gosh, it’s so good to be back on the air. Good Morning Linda!
Linda Dillon: Good morning Suzi! It really is lovely to be back here and sharing, particularly this journey with the Chiefs, as it were, who are living in my house once again. [Laughter] Which is always exciting! Yeah! And it does seem like a time of really new adventure, of expansion, of bringing things forward that we’re co-creating to bring forward Nova Earth, and I think InLight Universal is just a tip of the iceberg of what lies ahead.
SM: Yes, I agree, I agree! And we are coming into our power; all of us are realising that we have a lot of power to be able to create the world around us and in our experience.
LD: Exactly. And one of the reasons we chose as the InLight team, ‘InLight Universal’, rather than InLight Radio or InLight TV or InLight Broadcasting, was that we realise and we recognise how quickly the world is changing and how fast that we can bring forth our co-creations. So we went with ‘InLight Universal’ because we didn’t want to limit in any way, shape or form, the type of media that we will be sharing with you.
SM: Exactly. And for our listeners, there’s really not a lot that you’ll have to do aside from follow us on the new website and other than that, it’ll just be a benefit for everyone and not something that really has to be difficult.
LD: It’s not difficult at all; in fact, this morning again I was back on the website and it’s so crisp and clean, and I have to say that it makes it much easier to figure out which show fell where and what each show was about. So I’m thrilled. [Laughter]
SM: Yes, it’s beautiful. I think it’s beautiful and Isaac has done a fabulous job…and Graham; it’s just really been a beautiful team effort so I am very happy. Alright, so I know you have a very interesting medicine wheel meditation for us today.
LD: I do, and when the Native American Chiefs, of which there are a slew of them obviously…but when they first came to me, and one of the first meditations that they channelled with and through me was a meditation for anchoring, spiritually anchoring within us, the medicine wheel. And you know the medicine wheel is used in Native American ceremony, pretty much in all the various tribes or traditions, and so when I was getting ready this morning to talk with Geronimo and to figure out what our meditation would be, he asked me to share with our listeners that part of the meditation that was his portion, and it’s to the west of the medicine wheel.
But I think what we are going to do as weeks go on and we have various Chiefs gather is that they will take us through this medicine wheel meditation and help us anchor all these wonderful qualities that have to do, not only with our connection with Gaia, but our connection to each other and to our hearts and building Nova Earth and healing. It’s healing our concept, I think, of community, so that we are standing next to each other, hand to hand, heart to heart. So that’s what we are going to begin with this morning.
SM: Beautiful. Thank you.
LD: So let’s begin in this magnificent New Year. Yes, we’ve had the visit from Cochise, and now we move into the conversation with Geronimo. So feel yourselves settle into your chair, into the sofa, into the bed, onto the floor, wherever you’re most comfortable. But as we do this, I want you to picture yourself at dawn and a bright prairie morning, out on the land, and you are on your medicine wheel, that sacred circle of life, each direction representing and bringing you new qualities. And you have entered through the east and now you are moving around the wheel to the position of the west. In sacred purpose, move to the West, to that place of the void, the Star People, and the home of creativity. Geronimo awaits you, and together, side-by-side, you raise your arms to embrace the void, allowing the blackness of this direction to engulf you.
Geronimo turns to you, hands resting on your shoulders as he says, “Learn to live upon the land, to know where the water is found and the food is cached. Learn the secrets of the coyote and the jack rabbit. I give you the gift of creativity. Healing the Mother depends on creativity. Survival depends on creativity. And know, make no mistake my friend, your people, each of you, each in your own way, are fighting for survival.
I give you the courage to walk between the worlds, to enter into the void and the unseen pathways. I give you the power to go unseen when you need to rest, refuel and to create your journey. I give you my wisdom to know when to fight for what is right and when to stand back. What some call ‘hiding’ is simply that they do not see. It does not mean ‘you cease to exist’. When it is time to enter the blackness of the cave, do not be afraid of the creepy crawlers that lie there. I travel with you. I will show you the way.
I give you the gift of transmutation, the power to transmute the poison of the scorpion and the sting of the humans. Embrace the blackness and the void. Do not fear the cave or the lonely canyons. They are your friends. They shelter you when you have need of rest and new inspiration.” Geronimo is embracing you and you feel the power of the west move through your body, anchoring, fastening, deep within your heart; embrace it, welcome it and go deeper, for Geronimo is not finished.
He continues, “I give you the tears of the people. Honor what has been given and sacrificed. Honor your ancestors and the wisdom that they have passed on to you. Honor those who have suffered and died in battle and journeying. Do not make their suffering in vain. Heal the land and relationships with all beings so that there may be peace upon the Earth Mother. Give thanks to the Great Spirit that you are honored in this way.”
Feel the element of water in the morning air, on your skin, on the Earth Mother, on the grass. Water is the lifeblood of Gaia, the gift of emotion, strength and introspection.
Welcome the totem of the black bear, and as you do, recognise that you are embracing the very essence of Geronimo. Welcome the winged ones of black: the raven, the crow, the bat. Welcome this ability to traverse worlds and dimensions, to understand duality and magic. Integrate and anchor this within your core of stillness. Let it be a part of you right now. Embrace the stone people of obsidian, smoky quartz and hematite. These stone people agree to travel with you, to sing with you in the lonely and cold places of cities.
Turn to Geronimo and gaze into his ancient eyes that hold such wisdom and compassion, and thank him from the bottom of your heart. Thank him for the honors and the gifts that he bestows upon you this day. Thank him for his generosity and the sharing of his wisdom. Thank him for who he is and who he has been, knowing and grateful that you do not travel this medicine wheel or Gaia alone. Ho. 1
Geronimo: Greetings. I am Geronimo.
SM: Welcome.
G: And welcome, sweet sister of the wheel, to you, for we have travelled together many times. And it is my honor that I am invited to this sacred ceremony, and to this arrival of InLight Universal and this day, because this is the theme that I so wish to speak to all of you about. We share but one planet, one universe, one multiverse; many galaxies, many races, many peoples, but we are but One. We all serve the one Mother above and below. We all serve and cherish Great Spirit.
I come to you this day, most certainly not as chief, but as warrior who has come to the place of understanding and of knowing what it means to be a peaceful warrior. In my life as Geronimo – what the white eyes have called me – I have had many distinct chapters. The reason I say this is because I want you to realise that each of you, each of us, have many chapters to our lives, to our existence, and while some chapters are perhaps more difficult, and then some more joyous and peaceful; each chapter, each adventure, each experience, each season is vitally important. It is important to each of you and to your development, your ascension, your process, and it is important to the fabric of the people, to the whole.
You would not wish to move from Fall to Summer. You would not wish, no matter what the climate, to move and forget Winter or Spring, for there is a role for each chapter, each time, each season, and it is as important as any other season. I have invited you to come to the place of the West, to the place of the void, to the place of reflection, where dreams take form and shape that they may come out of the cave, out of the lonely places of isolation and take form and thrive upon Gaia, and thrive in your life.
When you think, or when you are simply placed in a season, perhaps it is retreat; perhaps it is the planting of new seeds, which is what you do this day with InLight Universal. You are planting the new seeds and you must allow them to take the roots and to sprout new life. For me, the spring was always my favorite time because it always promised that there would be new beginnings. And no matter what had transpired – whether it was the death of family or the death of a dream, or the passing of a way of life – the spring would show us in great glory the power of Gaia to be reborn, to regenerate. And I, like you, would feel this power of rebirth within me, that no matter what had happened we could continue on and begin again.
Our way, our desire, was not of war or violence. It was to live in community, to live with our people, our families, our cousins, our friends. And yes, there are many tribes and many people upon this Earth Mother now at this time; but this is fundamental. It is not simply the way of our people, it is the way of people; it is that desire to live in harmony, to feel the love and the support, the laughter, the songs of children, to witness as one the miracle of Spring, the miracle of a new child being born, and to harvest, to hunt, to eat, to laugh, to play, to sleep, not merely in safety but in joy. This is what I speak to you of this day.
In many ways, the Gaians are moving back around the medicine wheel, through the circle of the seasons, through the circle of many lives, where so many of you have been every color, every race, every gender; and you are saying, “I want to be with my people. I want to be with my family and soul family. I want to live in community.” And yes, community in your age has taken on many different meanings. And your electronics, your ethers, allow you to be in community all over this magnificent globe. But there is also the desire to do this in physical form, to be able to walk out of your house and to see your people, to be able to gather whether it is for sacred ceremony or a meal. You are building and reclaiming your right, your birthright and your instinct to live in community, and I wish you to know I support you in this. Now, dearest Suzi, where do you wish to begin with me? Do you have query for me or shall I simply speak?
Geronimo: (Pause) As I grew older, as many had thought that I had lost my freedom, my liberty, my joy, and that I was captive and restricted shall we say, by the white man’s power structure; many had thought of me as controlled or even defeated. But I wish to speak to this: I did not feel that way. Yes, when I surrendered I surrendered. Now let me first speak of this because many of you, my beloved friends, have this question –spiritual, physical, certainly mental and emotional – about this meaning of ‘surrender’. Surrender is allowing your core to thrive. It is the acknowledgement that your heart, your being, your very soul, your spirit, can never, not only not be captured, but not controlled. When you surrender, you do not surrender to another human being; well, unless of course you are in the intimacy of lovemaking and that is a joy. But when you surrender, what you are saying is, “I claim my freedom, my liberty – in another way, because my spirit is free.” What you surrender is an old form. It might be a habit or an addiction or a behavior, or a paradigm or a belief. Yes, I know you have many fancy names for this, but it is truly letting go and saying, “I am going to redirect my energies in a different direction.” And when I surrendered, it was so I could be back amongst my people, that I did not have to struggle day after day after day. Now were the lessons of that season incredibly valuable? Yes, but it was but a chapter.
So I did not pass from this world in defeat, because I had my community with me and it did not matter. Did I wish to go back and see my homeland? Yes! But what was more important to me: my spirit was not contained and I was with those I cherished. I learned new ways, new pathways. Did I abandon the old commitment to Great Spirit? No! But I came to understand that there was a new form and as warrior, I am able to shape-shift into many forms, and so are you!
SM: Oh, yes, yes, yes. I apologize. I guess I was not on the air; maybe I was muted before when you asked if I had questions?
G: Yes. I knew this.
SM: I apologize. I appreciate… okay. [Laughter] I appreciate that. So what you just said about shape-shifting…I have been most interested in that and I would really look forward to remembering how. Would you say that that is in our future in this lifetime?
G: Oh yes! It is in what you think of as your sacred spiral. It is in what you think of as your DNA. Now, one of the things that has not been discussed that much… I am really pleased to bring new information…
SM: Beautiful.
G: Shape-shifting and interdimensional travel, anchoring of your various aspects, these are but one piece. Now, there is a belief and it is… it is as solid as granite, that humans believe that they have this form of solidity…that it is as solid as the granite I speak of. Now often, when many troops could not find me, it was because I was shape-shifting.
SM: Ooh yeah!
G: It was not simply that I knew the lonely canyons. It was that I would shift into different form. And I would go…because they were blind…unobserved. In many ways it was quite humorous, although we did not always think so at the time! [Laughter] But yes, your body… think of your body as a cloud, as a pool of water, as a magnificent river. Now, there are times when that river is very placid and calm, and then there are times when the river is filled with rapids and what we would call ‘speaking water, laughing water, angry water’. But what is this except the ability of the water to express different forms?
Now you say, “Well, Geronimo, in the human beings we see the calm and placid and we see the angry.” But what makes you think that your molecules, your energy, cannot be what you desire it to be? Great Spirit did not make you into simply one form or solidity. You have this enormous flexibility to shape-shift, particularly into animal form. And so what you do is you sit, I would suggest in the centre of the medicine wheel, and you allow surrender and transformation, for these are but one and the same. And you call in the energy. And this is not a lengthy process. You call in the energy, the qualities, the form of what you wish to assume, and you allow it because the memory is in your cells. You have been mountains and you have been mountain lions; you have been kangaroos and oceans. So you allow that memory and that wisdom, that knowledge; and you ask, always, for the cooperation of the totem, of the spirit of that animal or being. If you wish to morph or shape-shift into Geronimo, I will help you!
SM: [Laughter] Oh, I have a question about that if I may? Okay, so many of us are here in our physical, human bodies and experiencing physical challenges shall I say, aches and pains and disease and whatever else. Okay, so I’m going to go with the idea that when we shape-shift, of course we would not bring that along with us, and in that light, if that’s true, then we could use shape-shifting to be able to heal our bodies, can we not?
G: Yes! The many times I was wounded and they would wonder how could I take so many bullets or arrows and still be alive. But, of course I had friends who attended to me. But if you call upon the energy and you shape-shift into a, say, an animal form or even to the river, what you do is you do not carry that illness, that malady, that injury with you because what you are doing… for example, I would call upon the strength, the aliveness, the muscularity, the ability to jump – from the mountain lion, and the wound would be healed. Now, the fear for some humans is that when they shape-shift, how do they get back? Well, you get back simply by doing the same process.
SM: Right!
G: You see, you have many, many faces – knowing and working with your totems, with those spirit animals and forms that you are is very important. Yes, even in this day, and might I say especially, because the connections have been forgotten, but they also have been forgotten in terms of how they serve you. And this is particularly true of those who live particularly in the busy places of cities. They are congested places full of discord and so the energy of being able to transform, transmute, is a very important factor.
Now it is also very important because what is happening – you are in a time…might I compare this… yes I know, we weren’t in the ascension process, but even as I walked the Earth we were in the process of ascension. It has begun that long ago. But let us talk about this. The world, the sweet planet that I knew when I walked as Geronimo, was a world dying, a way of life that was passing and a new reality being born. Now, this is very easy for me to say from hindsight. At the time it brought much pain.
G: Now I do not wish to dwell on that, but you, my friends, my family, my Gaians, you are passing from one world to the next, and when that old world, what the beloved ones have referred to as ‘the old 3rd dimension’, as it passes away that causes pain. Now let me explain: It causes emotional pain, and it causes what you would think of as energetic pain, because the battle – not a skirmish but a battle – between the old and the new. So there are those who do not wish the old 3rd to pass away and so they will send their missiles and their warriors, their misguided warriors, their bullets and their arrows. And they are not always physical but they are as real as any bullet I have ever had enter my body… and when those bullets enter, they hurt you and they cause discord. So yes, this is a time for shape-shifting that you might escape those bullets or those arrows.
SM: Well, can I ask you if it’s more than just believing and remembering that we can do this? Is there another piece that’s missing? Because you say it doesn’t take much time but in my imagination… I can certainly go there in my imagination, but to think of my physicality, to transform into wolf, for example, that’s kind of… maybe it’s not really part of my belief system yet, that I can actually do that?
G: Yes, but you have forgotten. So there is a piece of this when you are sitting in the center of the wheel – and I have called it ‘surrender’ – but it is the feeling that you feel your existing physical body dissolving, as if you are becoming strictly an energy field…
SM: Without walls…
G: … without walls, without form, and then as you reconstruct – you are reconstructing, you are directing that energy field to assume the different form. It is important; it is not simply imagination, it is important that as you sit there… for example, you and this channel transmute into wolf quite often and you allow yourself to feel your snout, to feel the fur, to feel the ears, to allow it to take form, not simply in imagination but into form.
SM: Okay.
G: And then, when you have done so, to run like the wolf, to howl like the wolf, not to simply sit still and say, “Oh that was nice!” Be the wolf… as I have been the mountain lion, as I have been the black panther, as I have been the jack rabbit. Now not only is this for protection; this, my friends, is great fun!
SM: [Laughter] Yeah!
G: When the Mother had created this garden, this cactus garden for me, it was that we would know the pleasure of walking on this planet, to know the joy. So, it was not that we forgot our form; it was our home base as you would think of it, but that did not necessarily restrict us at all.
SM: Well, you’ve spoken to, that there are many chapters to existence and each is important, and I’ve been wondering, I mean we all have many different aspects… do you, beautiful Native American Indian Chiefs, have galactic aspects?
G: Oh yes! Oh yes! Now you see, for those of you who have read or studied the ways of the people, you would also know that we accepted and knew always of our star brother and sisters. Because often, particularly in sacred ceremony, they would join us and they would guide us, and they would share with us, not merely us sharing with them, but because they would come, what many would call to ‘a simpler way of life’… it was endearing to them to walk on the earth soil or to sit on the rock by the fire. But as we have always known, just as we have had our totems, we have known which area of the stars we have come from…and what part of us still remained there to do the work of what was still the people. You see, this was what was…well, I would say ‘confusing’ but really ‘shocking’ to us – when many of the white people came to share the land – why we did not comprehend, because we already had this joyful connection, physical connection with our star brothers. It was very common! So to have what you would think of as another race… it was not so unexpected, but what was unexpected was the unwillingness to honour and to share, and on all sides, because you cannot say one side was right, one side was wrong; that would be ridiculous. But it was the unwillingness to share, the unwillingness to be part of one community that astounded us, because we had always assumed that there was much to learn from each other. Even when we had tiffs with neighboring tribes, we did not think that we still did not have them as our brothers and sisters, and that there were not things to learn from one another.
SM: So what I am wondering is… okay, so in the beginning of humanity on Earth, I would say we were all indigenous peoples that lived close to the earth and understood the power of community and connection with spirit and with All That Is. What I would like to know is, from your perception, what happened to make people want to take things from one another and fight for land, and you know, do everything that you are talking about, that the whites did to the Indians? It doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t really understand the whole thing.
G: Yes, but now I do, because it was fear. It was… we could put many names on it like greed or control, but it was fear. It was fear of something that was different. Those who came did not choose to learn, or have the same reference points, and they feared losing their own sense of what they valued and their identity. They did not understand, and you see this, even now, with what we would call ‘religious wars’. It has not changed so much. It is one group believing and really living in complete fear that their way of life is not superior.… and this is about as wrong as it gets…because when one is in fear you become reactive, your heart freezes, like that river, and it becomes hardened and you do not allow yourself the richness of expansion. Because truly, had this gone a different way, all cultures would have experienced the growth and expansion.
SM: Right.
G: The ability to create, for community, would have taken a very large leap because it would have been harmonious, and the qualities and the talents would have been shared by all. But the fear… it is the most destructive element in any being’s heart.
SM: Wow! Yes, and as you’ve mentioned, things haven’t changed all that much. So what I am wondering is, in the ascension of the planet, what we who’ve been doing the work and have been following and sensitive to everything that’s going on, I would really love to be able to let go of the ‘how’ but I’m just wondering how so many on the Earth could be shifted so quickly?
G: But you are seeing it, the abhorrence of the violence and slaughter. That abhorrence is growing and that is what is shifting, because the abhorrence of the use of violence, which has become more and more dramatic…and it has need to, because it is the abhorrence that will reach the people to say, “No more. We cannot live like this. We cannot call ourselves Gaians or the people and live with such mindless slaughter.”
And from that, it is the respect for many traditions. But as I have begun and I have said, it is also the recognition: there is only one Great Spirit, there is only one Mother, there is only one Father; they have many, many names but the name does not matter. And killing, murdering, in the name of the Mother or Father is not of truth and it is not of love.
SM: Right. Well, thank you Geronimo for joining us today. It’s been a great honor and I really appreciate it, and if you have anything to say in closing, I would welcome that.
G: Come and join me in the cave. I will show you how to claim your aspects. I will give you, and I have given you, and I will always give you, the gift of creativity because you, we, they, us, are One. Go in peace my friend.
SM: Thank you so much.
G: Ho
1. This meditation is from Spirit Speak CD ~ available for download.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.
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