God said:
There are many ways to believe. Whatever you believe, you may be sure there is someone who believes the opposite extreme. Life in the world is about opposites of all kinds.
Beliefs are one of them. And some people get fired up about beliefs. Some people with strong beliefs will hurt other people because the others’ beliefs contradict their beliefs.
People on Earth have separated people because of their color or because of the shape of their nose. Staunch believers are convinced that they are right, and everyone else is mistaken.
They may change their minds later, but at any moment, they are firm in their beliefs. I understand everything, yet it is hard for Me to understand why anyone hurts another, that matters get so firmly entrenched in their minds that they hurt other human beings in the name of what they like to call truth.
Here’s what I wonder: I wonder what does it matter what another believes or you believe when there is love? Love is beyond believing in or adhering to.
You must know by now that in life you do not want to be dependent upon what this one or that one thinks. That makes you live a life that may not really be yours. You sacrifice your own heart and mind because of another’s praise or criticism. It doesn’t matter if someone else in the world is considered an authority. Why would you make anyone lord and master over you? Will you agree that it’s not always a good thing to dance to another’s tune?
By the same token, what would make it advisable for someone to dance to your tune? Do you really want to intervene in another’s life? Perhaps you do.
There were times in the world when those who did not agree with one faction or another got their heads chopped off or were burned at the stake. Does this kind of pressure make sense to you, whichever side of the fence you are on?
First of all, no one can change another’s mind. Not even the owner of his mind can change his beliefs by virtue of a decision to. No one’s mind can be made to change, not by force certainly. Lip service can be given. To save his life, someone might give away his truth for the sake of life itself, and, by forced choice, live a lie or not live. Not much of a choice.
What makes it so important that someone has to agree with you? Where did you get the idea that anyone has to? Someone believes one way. You believe another. What’s wrong with that?
I say again: This you believe, and another believes something else. What does it matter what another believes or you believe when there is love? Love is beyond matters of a silly world. You understand this, don’t you? Love supersedes everything.
You do not fly under false colors in order to appreciate someone deeply. What is there really that is so important for two of you to agree on? Simply appreciate what you appreciate with all your heart. Beliefs do not fly in the face of love. Beliefs are no more than beliefs. Everyone has beliefs. You believe what you believe, and whatever you believe, pro or con, holds growth for you. No one has to believe as another does. Everyone is in the right place right now. Five minutes from now they may be in another place. This is how the bird flies.
Why would you think you have to agree with someone? Why would you think someone has to agree with you?
You may want someone to agree with you so much, you might have your desire lead to an out and out argument or a duel.
Beloveds, will you duel with Me because I say that everyone is entitled to his own opinion?
“Heavenletter #5234: What Else Matters When There Is Love,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, March 25, 2015, at https://heavenletters.org/what-else-matters-when-there-is-love.html
Source Link: Heavenletters