(Continued from Part One)
Certainly, from a higher perspective, we made agreements in our soul contracts that we wanted to keep, so what is the difference?
In my estimation, and certainly I do not remember the preparations for my birth into this reality and base my thoughts on my own intuition and materials that have confirmed my own knowing, agreements were made with the full knowledge of the participants.
We decided on the best evolutionary path for our souls, in full knowing of what our incarnated path would undertake. Not one being incarnates without this information. There are no tricks or hidden agendas. It is all laid out on the table.
Those of our soul family agree to assist us along the way, because they love us so deeply and want what we want for ourselves. They make no judgements on our path and set no expectations other than to be of service to our personally chosen divine unfolding.
When unconditional love is applied, and the honoring of divine free will choice, the universe sets the basic path. If we learn and evolve using one experience, then that type of experience need not come up again.
If, on the other hand, we apply our ability to chose to engage in an experience or not, the universe will continue to deliver opportunities for the challenges we wished to engage and evolve through. The universe is ever patient and ever supportive of our choices.
Promises such as these, from the higher realms are made in the highest integrity and with full transparency and agreement, and still souls are free to come in and completely reject the soul path they chose.
As far as the universe is concerned, that is completely supported and the individual is always given the opportunity to fine tune the soul path and contracts in the next incarnation.
Ever patient, ever supporting of our right to choose, even the higher realms understand that promises are not set in stone and that everyone has the right to reevaluate and choose again.
Promises have been a deeply imbedded hook within our earthly lives for eons and I believe this is something that must shift in order for us to move into the new earth.
A promise completely negates the flow of energy and inhibits the divine unfolding of the soul path. Individuals are asked to remain within a certain energy and set of parameters, and thus their forward evolution is stalled at that spot.
Some even believe that promises and vows have created the concept of soul fragmenting, as beings leave a part of themselves behind in that energy to honor the agreement. There are many spiritual teachers sharing the idea of releasing all old soul contracts in order to reintegrate all aspects of the soul at this time.
A promise also compromises unconditional love, as it absolutely applies conditions to the relationship and actions of others and ourselves. In the realm of unconditional love there is only and always love, no matter what. Promises and vows do not fit into this realm, and until they are removed as a hook, it will be mightily difficult to love unconditionally.
At the center of it all, we are told there is only love. Love is the ultimate energy and we all wish to live within its gentle embrace at all times. Releasing all bonds, ties and promises which hold us back from this love is the focus of my life at this time.
Anything that interferes with my own unconditional love for self and others must be released. Anything that inhibits the divine free will path of myself or others is not in the highest integrity or in alignment with unconditional love.
Of course, not everything needs to be released in our life path, if it is supported by love. We all embrace and love many things and we choose to remain in union with those things. Instead of promising to remain within a rigid construct at all costs, we can choose again and again to love. This shift in focus allows a reaffirmation on a daily basis of our connections, while allowing ourselves to remain free at the same time, releasing that which does not serve and allowing in that which does in any given moment.
Simply allowing that the choice is there, and that we are free to make it, releases the binding nature of promises from our energy.
Again, I am reminded of my dear friend Andrea Scully, who expressed so eloquently that we must release the old story for the new one to form. I believe promises and vows were created to hold us in the old story, and as we release them with love, we are able to embrace the new.
So, at this moment in time, I release all the old promises and vows that kept me in a static place, and I embrace my divine right to choose in every moment along my path how I wish to embody love in action and honor myself and others along the way.
I also release all beings from every promise they have made to me along the way. All that old stuff has got to go.
What is also interesting is that as I have learned to love myself more and more deeply, the idea of forcing someone to keep an agreement with me out of devotion or honor makes me feel quite sick in my heart.
If someone wants to love me or honor their own promises to me, fine, but I absolutely do not want to force someone into it. Stay or go, it’s up to you and I will be fine either way, knowing I honored myself and the other as well.
This shift has created such lightness within me that I know it is absolutely the right path for me at this time, and I embrace it with all my heart.