I’ve never liked getting shots. I don’t mind having my blood drawn, but the thought of someone I don’t know injecting something I have no choice but to trust has always been an unsettling situation for me. I’m even talking things as simple as the flu “vaccine”.
I have done a great deal of research into these things for my own personal reasons, not because I’m a conspiracy theorist, but because I can’t trust the substances that “supervising entities” mandate I put into my body. Just as an example that doesn’t involve the medical field in any way…how about those GMOs? They have infiltrated our diets unbeknownst to us since the early ’90s. Were we ever asked if we wanted these genetically modified treats to process through our digestive tracts? I mean, I wasn’t, but maybe one or two of you were. I highly doubt that though.
To expand on that, there has been a study that has shown that in lab rats, (the 3rd generation in particular) became sterile and were unable to reproduce once GMOs became a part of their diet. So, if you take into account we have been eating GMOs since the early ’90s…I have two small children now…They might have babies some day…Then my grandbabies might not be able to know the joy of becoming a parent; all because someone snuck poison into my food and never asked my permission.
Now, I seem to have gone off subject here, but I didn’t. Here we are with the same deal, but in the medical field. We all have to have vaccines. Some people are no longer vaccinating their children because of personal reasons (good for you!) but for the rest of us who haven’t really thought about this sort of thing, we just take the shot and move on without incident. Why is that? Is it because you trust these substances that are going into our body? The origin of where these substances came from is comforting to us? Or do we feel like we just don’t have a choice?
I’m going to say that in most people it is a combination of all the above AND one more thing–Fear. Fear is the controller of just about every situation. Want to go to war? Create fear. Want to make sure people take these vaccines because of the money pharmaceutical/insurance/government companies pocket? Create a virus/illness or just have a “spontaneous” outbreak of an oldie but a goody. There, problem solved.
Did I mention I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist before? It’s only a a theory if it isn’t proven. This is why I’m super excited about these new energies, because the truth can no longer be kept from us. It has begun to anchor now. I am seeing it everywhere. I’m sure most of you that are paying attention are picking up on these wonderful turn of events as well.
So, here’s a little droplet of truth for you and I hope this takes you on a journey to research more. There is a great deal of misinformation out there, but I have found that if you are seeking truer information it will be 1) harder to find and 2) All the conflicting “stories” that discredit it will be the first few pages of your search engine results. What we all need to remember is if there is a level of control imposed on us to begin with, the powers that be will not just step aside and let us claim our sovereignty and free will that easily. We are kept in a state of unconsciousness for a reason.
The great thing about “waking up” is that you can’t be controlled by untruths and control anymore. The more questions you ask the better. Don’t just fall into old patterns where you assume things are not going to change. We are at an incredible time where we are in the midst of creating our reality. Here’s a link on the CDC. I’m glad to see their credibility is being called into question. Let’s just say they are not on our side and here to help us. Karma is catching up to them, in my humble opinion.
CDC’s “inconsistent” lab practices threaten its credibility, report says by Debra Goldschmidt, CNN
Now, just another add-on, this was posted shortly after the return of measles from those pesky non-vaxxers. Way to put a little fear into the title. If you don’t get the MMR vaccine it implies that you aren’t protecting your children. How do you feel about that?
Measles Outbreak: Protect Your Child by www.CDC.gov
Oh, and one more thing. This article is pointing out that anti-vaxxers are using this “herd immunity” to justify their lack of vaccinating and it’s putting the rest of the population at risk. This kind of makes me laugh a little bit. I have been vaccinated and I did vaccinate my children. So, I’m not hopping up on a soap box because I’m defending a personal choice of mine, I’m merely looking from one side of the fence to another.
In this little gander I’ve peeked over at my anti-vax friends, I can only draw one conclusion: they do not put me or my children at risk. We are vaccinated. Now, if the CDC did not make a really great vaccine and I’d get measles if I came in contact with this illness regardless, that would not be the fault of my non-vaccinated friends.
Really, if MMR was eradicated as was indicated in the past, we really have no need for a vaccine against it, unless it exists in a lab somewhere that someone may or may not release accidentally/intentionally. Same thing with Small Pox. Same thing with Polio. It just seems a bit odd to me that the powers that be are really pushing vaccines right now.
Ok, Ebola outbreak. Then all of a sudden this miracle vaccine that cured some Americans. Like that hasn’t been up on a shelf waiting for the most opportune moment to make it’s debut. I mean think about it. Most of the stuff we are really looking at here is fear that is causing us to take a compromising action. It is not limited to the medical field, it’s everywhere.
It’s Official: Anti-Vaxxers Caused The Disneyland Measles Outbreak by ThinkProgress.org
I leave you with this, when you are being offered something out of love or fear you will know the difference. When you make a decision with your health or otherwise and it’s based out of love or fear, you will know the difference. Your responses may be very inclined to follow the fear-based programming in your DNA/RNA receptors, but this can all be changed. It only starts with your willingness and intent.
With that, I leave you with love and the reminder that we are are all greater beings than we have been told; far greater beings than most of us realize.