(Continued from Part 1.)
I know that some of you are eager to do something constructive, something that will reverse the tide. And here again you’d risk your lives to do so. But let’s talk about the actions that are being pondered at a moment.
I recommend that you not take any action which itself violates the laws of the land or the universal laws. That means no fragging of officers, no torture, no kidnapping, no revenge, etc.
Peace cannot be purchased through violence. Violence begets more violence and leaves more residue to fuel future conflicts.
Civil disobedience, yes, as long as you’re prepared to go to prison. (I’m led to believe that it won’t be overly long before you’ll be released, but I cannot say that with absolute certainty. You have to judge and make that decision for yourself.)
I recommend that you declare to yourself your willingness to work with the “white hats” and other friendly forces, who have ways of knowing your intentions that go far beyond the conventional or even highly-advanced technologies.
I recommend that you begin to degrade your abilities to effect your duties if those duties are dark or evil. Miss your target. Fail to maintain your weapon. Lose needed supplies.
Remember Schindler and how he made munitions that would never hit their target? Like that perhaps.
Remember that many forces are working to bring war to a halt around the planet so it isn’t likely that you’ll be overrun by an enemy. You do have allies in places you might not suspect. Remember what Elisha said? Those who are with us are far stronger than those who are against us.
Think of how the U.S. Navy took over the nuclear football. Think of how they took over Northern Command, and, with it, the secret space fleet, Solar Warden. There are many allies already in the military.
Remember too that some scenarios will never succeed on this planet. It’s impossible at this time to explode a nuclear weapon with hostile intent, on land or in space. No major false-flag incident like 9/11 would ever be permitted again. There are limits to the actions that can be done from here on in, even if the white hats are required in many circumstances to respect the universal law of freewill.
Familiarize yourself with the Geneva Convention and the other international charters and instruments that govern conduct in war (and peace). When you feel you have a command of them, if you feel you can act so bravely, then refuse to engage in actions that violate them such as murder, assassination, and torture.
If it can be done safely, pass along information to whistleblowers like Julian Assange or Edward Snowden or their local counterparts. But not if it endangers you.
Ultimately the gesture that will end war is when the soldiers of all countries lay down their weapons. That is the goal to be worked for.
We may have to work to get ourselves in that position, gradually, safely.
What I want you to know most of all is that we, your fellow lightworkers, know the position you’re in. There’s no need to prove yourselves to us or take risky action so that it can be unmistakeably seen.
We know your hearts and no proof is needed. We love you. We honor your sacrifice and your integrity. And we want you to stay safe if at all possible.
We know you joined the military to protect us and were inducted into a machine that in fact threatens the very people it was sworn to protect. To extract yourself from that machine is risky and we know that too.
The gradual work you’re doing to bring the militaries of the world back from the brink of catastrophe is delicate and we appreciate that.
Even if you did nothing at all, peace will still return to Earth. Everything on this blog is testimony to that.
The biggest contribution you can make, always, is a change of heart.
You are lightworkers as we are. Just gradually withdraw your energy from the killing machine that the New World Order has created. Look for subtle ways of bringing its aims to nought, without being detected.
We honor your regiments and battalions and divisions. Their proud place in the nation’s history will be restored. We promise you it will.