We’ve been told that thousands and thousands of servicemen and servicewomen read the blog. May we address a word to you who serve your country often at great peril?
Your service in the military is and was part of the Divine Plan. My understanding is that you’re there at this particular time in history to gradually but assuredly bring the military out of the difficult position it’s been placed in.
Modern forces, equipped with deadly super-weapons, are being used in the service, not of the many, the people, democracy, but of the few, the elite, hegemony.
How was this done? Well, you probably know better than I. But if there are any that don’t know, I’d say it was achieved by a number of strategies.
First a code of honor was established in which it was represented that your unit is the most important group in the world – and of course, in war, it is.
But then you were trained to follow orders unquestioningly. You were trained to kill and many situations were introduced that overcame the natural tendency to discern when to strike down and when to hold back.
You were taught to serve your country unquestioningly, obediently, but you weren’t told that your government, public service, courts, law enforcement and prisons had been taken over by groups that called themselves the Illuminati and the New World Order.
The divine qualities such as compassion, loving-kindness and so on were drummed out of you in the belief that you needed to act in wartime, without thinking, without hesitating, without drawing back.
Probably very few of you may have known that most of the wars that occurred in the last century were started by false-flag incidents, which have been dressed up as attacks.
Going back as far as the blowing up of the U.S.S. Maine, the Reichstag fire, the use of Japanese soldiers dressed up to look like Chinese to start the Sino-Japanese war (WWII), the false attack on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin, the bombing of the USS Liberty, the Madras train bombing, the blowing up of the World Trade Center, the London bombings, on and on the incidents go where the side that wanted to start a war posed as the other side to provide the inflammatory incident.
Alongside of that went the assassination of leaders who worked for peace: John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy Jr., the free energy and water car inventors, 9/11 whistleblowers like ABC’s Tim Russert, deep-bunker builder Philipp Schneider, 9/11 firemen who heard the explosions, again the list goes and on of those who dared to stand up to the few and were taken out.
You stood forth because you thought your country was in trouble. You believed that Osama bin Laden had masterminded 9/11 even though on the eve of 9/11 he lay in a Rawalpindi hospital, guarded by the Pakistani military, having kidney dialysis – nowhere near an Afghan cave.
You believed that Afghanistan had something to do with 9/11, even though the troops to invade Afghanistan had been dispatched much before 9/11 and the order to invade that country lay on President Bush’s desk the day of 9/11.
You believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, though none were found. You’ve been hoodwinked in incident after incident. You’ve risked your lives in falsified causes, lost limbs, eyes, and other organs to a government that doesn’t see to your needs when you return, after you paid such a heavy price.
I’m sure some of you know (especially readers of this blog) that you volunteered before you were born to serve in just the capacity you’re in now. You said that you’d come and bring the military back to ethics and morality, honor and compassion.
You volunteered to make the military a force again that defends the innocent, at the lowest possible cost to the invader and the guilty.
You and I know that resistance to those who have co-opted the military could buy you jail time or worse.
Once the Reval comes those who’ve invested in it will work with you to see that your active members and vets get the treatment they need and the support they deserve. That’s as much as I can say at this moment, but your pain, your sacrifice are known and will be seen to.
(Continued in Part 2.)