Says SJ: Thank you for your posts. I find them, at various times, interesting, affirming, thought- and feeling-provoking.
With respect to gender prejudices, I have found that when I’m faced with a gender prejudice, it’s an indication of tensions I’m experiencing internally between my male and female energies. If I get hung up on the external projection, I’ll miss an essential opportunity for healing and resolution. This includes projecting to the past to find the source of my gender beliefs (ie. mum and dad).
My beliefs impact my choices, feelings and actions. Part of the ascension process is to unpack fear-based beliefs/inner programming and re-program. If I am looking outside myself, say, to be “looked after by a man” that is actually an indication that I have not actualized my male energy’s capacity to do that for myself.
The key, then, is to resolve that piece for myself by looking after myself. However, my male energy, ideally, acts co-creatively with my female energy. She is my intuition and creative force. She is in touch with my sub-conscious. He is in touch with my reason and will.
If they are working together, it means that no part of me is being inauthentic or dishonouring my blueprint or mission. The key is to listen to both, honour and respect the wisdom of both and then plan and act accordingly.
Once I resolve the internal fight between my own male and female, and I live in peace or balance with my own gender polarity, I then ground that energy for Gaia and then project that outwardly. The act of living polarity balance affects all my relationships.
Where I was once a doormat, say, I need not be any longer because my inner male will act, be assertive. Where I need inner guidance and a gauge of where the Flow is going, my inner female will provide it. I need only to treat my own gender polarity with the respect, love and equality I wish to see around me.
As to sexual tension, let’s try to understand it differently and give it it’s due. Let’s celebrate it and not fear it. I’m an artist and in my work experience this tension all the time. It comes up when I’m working on a project, creating something new. It’s the energy sparks that fly between my male and female when they co-create together. It’s exhilarating, and when a creative idea is conceived, can be orgasmic.
This same “tension” is there when I co-create with someone else, regardless of their physical gender. I think the important part is to understand that these experiences come and go; they flow. They are meant to. They do not need to result in physical sex with someone. That is only one possible manifestation.
We have been programmed not to be so free with our creative juices. It’s the fear matrix’s way of neutering us so that what is being manifested on this planet can be controlled. Externalized gender prejudices are a part of that program. So, to resolve this schism, I have spent time getting to know my inner female.
Who is she? What does she like/not like? What triggers her? What nurtures her? How does she communicate? How does she create, show love, tap into the flow?
I do the same with my male. Who is he? What does he do? How does he communicate, how does he act, reason, deal with external conflict? How strong is his will? Then I consciously observe them spending time together. How do they dance? How do they work together, communicate with each other? I am both participant and detached observer in this process.
Then the next part is about trust-building exercises for the two of them. For example, let’s say my female has been sending me intuitive nudges about quitting my day job and doing something more soul nurturing. But my male is afraid. “No, I can’t, how will we survive?”
He doesn’t talk this through with her and suppresses the idea. These incidences, which we commit internally all the time, are actually trust-eroding moments between male and female energies. To change the dynamic and the relationship, i make a commitment to honouring both voices equally. In this mode, it might look like the my male acknowledging my female’s intuitive nudge and my female acknowledging my male’s fear. Together, then, we might come up with a plan that makes the transition in small, less scary steps.
I think gender peace, equality, and respect is possible. But it really does start at home, right inside ones self.