I have never had anyone come to a Godwriting™ workshop who felt that he or she would be able to Godwrite™. In fact, everyone is sure he won’t be able to.
Here is a condensation of six weeks of Carol’s emails which run the whole gamut:
Carol wrote:
“The question that resonates with me is what if you doubt? How do you know it is God? What if you do not believe in God as a separate Entity, with separate thoughts and ideas and advice? I feel the human mind is expert at imaginings. The way I experience this whole creation is a projection of a less than fully expanded state of consciousness, a limited perception, and to project a God into this imaginary realm we inhabit and call reality is just to add another layer of ignorance and call it Truth.
“If I say to myself, there is a God and I am speaking to him, or hearing him, that is my own mental projection. It seems subtly dangerous to claim the words come from infinite wisdom, infinite truth…humility is missing. Ego could be prevailing, calling itself God…like when people quote the Bible as the final word of God and justify their own prejudices that way…really believing they are hearing God’s Word…
“I am sorry to be such a skeptic…I am sure what people write is very beautiful because they are attuning themselves to what is highest in them. Just I guess I do not trust the scope of my own perception to encompass the Absolute yet.”
“Carol, for crying out loud, what is Godwriting but attuning ourselves to what is the Highest in us!!!”
“Because we have been writing back and forth, Gloria, it has stimulated my thinking, and last night, I said (mentally) to God:
“I think you are just a figment of my imagination.
“My God has a sense of humor, and I got back:
“’No, you are a figment of My imagination.’
“The answer evoked delight and surprise!
“Along with the reply that I am a figment of God’s imagination, came a sense of freedom — a sudden lightening of the load of my problems — a release from my identification with them.
“If I am just a figment of God’s imagination, then there goes my so-called suffering…it evaporates into the ether…
“Yes, ok, maybe there is Someone to address…maybe.”