All our gratitude to everyone who has made a voluntary monthly subscription! Thank you. We so appreciate you and your beautiful demonstration of Hope.
Let me tell you what happened when I subscribed. Yes, many on our teams have subscribed, making monthly donations to the general light-worker and the team funds. If we are asking you then it stands to reason that we, as the teams, are responsible, too. This is a very simple easy thing for us all to do together.
But let me tell you what happened. . .
As I was clicking on the donate button, I had the sensation of stepping through a portal. I dropped deeper into my heart to feel what was going on and I perceived a celebration happening. . . There was great excitement in this gateway to the higher realms that I had stepped up to do this! (1)
Little steps like this one bring us closer to the Divine in co-creation of Nova Earth.
I have also come to a deeper understanding of why the idea of subscription is balance. The other day I experienced a rage in me that roared louder than I ever could have imagined. It was so loud, I thought I was going insane.
Underneath this rage, this extreme anger, was discouragement. Discouragement and confusion. How could we ever hope to build Nova Earth?
How could I be so audacious as to imagine it was possible with all the war, internal and external upon this planet still happening, the hatred, the hunger, the homelessness and the extreme poverty — the imbalance?
My anger raged for a day. I couldn’t transmute it, I couldn’t do anything but be in its presence and witness it. By evening I literally ran to the ocean after a day of work. I raged internally as I watched the seawater crashing against the rocks with the wind whistling in my ears — all very dramatic!
I walked and ran home and fell into a very uncomfortable night of little sleep, tossing and turning. It took another day, feeling like I was recovering from an illness, for the last of the anger to dissipate.
Now I am back to my cheery, joyful self with the knowing that even if one subscription a day comes into the Hope Chest, we are on our way, building Nova Earth — one subscription at a time. . .
The idea of subscription is balance, my personal internal balance and planetary balance. One day we will look back on this time of the great awakening and see how it was done, little by little, step by step.
(1) Please write in to Contact Us if you have an unusual experience while subscribing. We would love to hear from you.