By Linda Dillon, August 11, 2014 –
The Tsunami of Love Wave to Lake Tahoe
The Union & Re-Union Gathering in Lake Tahoe is 53 days out – but who’s counting? And as the Tsunami of Love energies once again crest and accelerate, the Divine Mother invites us to allow and embrace Sacred Union into every aspect of our lives.
Universal Mother Mary: “When you are united with your divinity, then it is like a catalytic reaction. You are united with me, and all the illusion of what is seen or unseen disappears. How many times have you looked at somebody – a friend, a stranger, a sacred union partner – and felt from the very core of your being, and yearned, wished, for that person to know that you are more than what they just see.”
Read MoreWhy Wait For Love?
Everywhere we look the universal theme is Union, Love and the surrender to the totality of our being. We anchor the highest forms of our Ascension in embracing our sacred selves – by uniting in heart with others. Two powerful channellings from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene on the meaning on sacred partnership. You can’t have one without the other…
Cities of Light – 36 and Growing!
A huge piece of working with the Union & Re-Union energies is the anchoring of the Cities of Light onto Nova Earth. The details of these magnificent Cities was first brought forth in the annual 2000 COL Gathering when we began anchoring the New Jerusalem which is Sedona to Phoenix, AZ.
Since that time we have worked with opening portals and anchoring Cities of Light all over the planet. Each City has a unique purpose and quality. We are currently working on 36 Cities – from Michigan to Hawaii; Russia to Malta, India to New Zealand.
Our next step is the anchoring of the blue City of Light in Lake Tahoe – come and be a part of this exciting work!
The COL Message of the Day
Each of us needs a little inspiration – a heart acknowledgement that we aren’t alone, crazy or forgotten in this time not only of Ascension but of rapid and chaotic change. If you would like to receive the COL Inspiration Message of the day then join us on Council of Love Facebook page. The pictures are stunning, the message always deeply touching. Building community…