CA, an active participant in Linda Dillon’s webinar series, The New You, discovers her Stranger, her expanded sense of self, trusting that there is always more. . .
I eagerly run into my meditation room, clutching my iPod that holds all the newly downloaded meditations for my New You webinar course.
I had been reading my book by Linda Dillon, The New You (1) and I had arrived at the section called “Embracing the Stranger.”
Setting the scene like an overexcited teenager on a first date, I lit my candle and incense, sat cross-legged and pressed play……..
As I listened to the meditation I found it was the most awe-inspiring one I had ever experienced. The energy washed over me. The connection was overwhelming. The tears rolled down my cheeks signifying the welcoming home of a much loved old friend, a part of me that had been missing for so very long. I felt the powerful energy of the merge and then……………. I never did the meditation again!
I started to read up on other people’s experiences on the webinar forum with their Stranger. They were already dancing through the cosmos with their newfound friend! They even knew their Stranger’s name!
It was like reliving one of those horrid memories from school when the teacher gives you a math problem to solve and everyone’s beavering away, pencils set to the paper scribbling whereas mine wasn’t! “Oh God! Oh God! I can’t do it. Everyone’s got it except me!” Panic sets in.
When my little episode with the the Stranger meditation came to an end, I put it to the back of my mind and decided to stay with the meditations that make me feel like a rock star! I play it safe.
I can’t be entertaining anything that would challenge my peace right now, even though knowing that it was no doubt an opportunity for growth. Nope, I’d rather keep with the easier stuff, thank you very much!
After hiding behind a curtain for quite some time, I now decide it’s time to re-engage with this Stranger idea, thing, energy, whatever it might be. As I’ve done before, I call my Stranger to merge with me once again. I feel the energy enter into my space……… silence……. uncomfortable.
We stand together, me looking rather uneasy, like two ‘strangers’ in an elevator, shifting from one foot to the other, gently swinging my arms back and forth, not knowing quite where to put myself. “Well this is awkward isn’t it?” And off I ran to hide behind my curtain once again!
Needless to say, I didn’t go back to meet my Stranger for sometime. It’s just not my time to make this union right now and that’s ok. So I left it alone.
As soon as I stopped trying, it all seemed to come together. I picked up the meditation without thought and started………….. Oh my word……. how easy was that?!
For me, the biggest indication to confirm that I had made the connection is how you feel when you think of yourself. I am no longer just a physical body, I am a massive expansion of energy. I am mighty. I am huge!
So ‘she’ now has a name. Her name is ‘Star.’ The name is rather apt as I met her in the stars. I am the stars.
Like so many others, we are also now dancing through the cosmos. In fact we’re doing the quickstep – it’s amazing!!
I had coffee with a friend the other day who’s convinced that my eyes have changed colour — they’re more green. How cool is that? Maybe “Star’s” eyes are green. Maybe she’s a skinny size zero and maybe I’ll be a skinny size zero!! Ok, now I might be getting carried away, but there’s nothing wrong with wishful thinking right?
Overall, my experience with meeting my Stranger is like I have just discovered I have another leg. All this time I have been hopping everywhere to get to where I need to go. Then all of a sudden “WHOA! I have another leg! OMG, now I can run!!!”
All I can say is this two-legged thing has really changed how I get around. It really works. I think it might just catch on!
(1) Info about “The New You” by Linda Dillon here .
The Tsunami of Love meditation link is here.
For information about the Annual Council of Love Gathering, Fall 2014, Oct. 3-5, Lake Tahoe, California please look here.