The energies are so intense at the moment that I feel myself being drawn to write about enlightenment.
I’m not enlightened. But I have been in other lifetimes.
Now if that statement raises eyebrows, as it was intended to do, consider that the same thing could be said of you.
We lightworkers come from higher dimensions. That can only mean that we’ve all been enlightened in other lifetimes.
I wear the blinkers now as we all do. But, at this moment of heightened energetic vibrations, I feel a need to write at the very deepest level possible for me. It’s as if the higher energies call it out of me.
In fact, recently, it’s been the only thing that feels comfortable. At this time, only the deepest will suffice.
You’ve heard the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael say that all but a negligible percentage of us lightworkers come from the angelic kingdom. And you know this information from them has been part of a progressive disclosure. Well, angels are transcendental. That implies enlightenment of a high order.
You’ve also heard Archangel Michael say that we’re all now in a better position to hear some of the things he has to say.
So the rising energies are having the Company of Heaven reveal more and more to us.
You know that we’re headed for Sahaja Samadhi, the “natural state,” at a point after our Ascension. Not at Ascension, mind you, but later.
There are not many terrestrial sages that I’m aware of who’ve experienced Sahaja. I asked Archangel Michael some time ago if a prominent contemporary sage had and he responded: “Not yet.”
And yet most of us starseeds have in other lifetimes.
Sahaja Samadhi is the level of enlightenment to be experienced when we pass into a certain subplane of the Fifth Dimension. It’s an exalted state of enlightenment but it’s only the first stage of enlightenment that we’ll experience at a time beyond the Ascension we’ll soon go through.
Most starseeds here today are from the Seventh Dimension on up. I don’t know in Earth lore what levels of enlightenment those correspond with.
I know of levels of enlightenment such as mahanirvana, mahaparinirvana, etc. simply by name. They’re more or less only fabled in our literature.
No, that’s not the truth. They’re beyond my comprehension. That’s the truth. I don’t know what dimensions they’re consistent with.
I may, if this mood lasts, write more on the subject of enlightenment in the times ahead. Certainly that is the destination we’re being called towards more and more each day.